Jakow Kuldurkajew

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Yakov Yakovlevich Kuldurkajew ( Russian Яков Яковлевич Кулдуркаев , born on 22. October 1894 in Lobaski, Government Simbirsk , Russian Empire , died on 28. July 1966 ibid, Rajon Atjaschewski, Mordovian ASSR ) was a Erzya-mordwinischer poet and writer . As an " enemy of the people " of the Soviet regime , he was imprisoned in the camp for 20 years in 1938.


The farmer's son Kuldurkajew belonged to the people of Erzya on, the self-Ugric Finno-the Volga Finns count. He worked as a timekeeper and was drafted into the tsarist army during the First World War in 1915. During the Russian Civil War he served as a soldier in the Red Army . In Moscow in 1923 he learned bookkeeping and worked as an accountant and auditor.

Kuldurkajew's first literary attempts were made in 1910. Encounters with the Eryan authors and playwrights Fyodor Markelowitsch Tschesnokow (1896–1938), Petr Semenowitsch Gluchowon (1897–1979) and Artur Moro (actually Afanassi Matwejewitsch Ossipowitsch) were of great importance for his creative development , 1909-1989). They helped him to publish the first chapters of his epic poem "Эрьмезь" (Ermes) in the newspaper "Якстере теште" (Jakstere teschte) in 1928 . It tells the past of the Mordovian people in the 13th century. In a subtitle, Kuldurkajew called it "The Story of a Distant Past". The entire work was published in 1935. He also published a number of poems and stories for children in the 1930s.

Kuldurkajew was arrested in 1938 as an " enemy of the people " and was sent to the Gulag camp . Kuldurkajews book Ermes was removed from almost all libraries. He spent his twenty years imprisonment in the ASSR of the Komi , Novgorod and in Jambul, Kazakhstan .

In 1958, Kuldurkayev was released and rehabilitated . He could no longer publish his revision of Ermes .

Jakow Kuldurkajew died on July 28, 1966 in his home village of Lobaski, where he was also buried.

Controversy 2020

The revision of Kuldurkajew's poem Ermes was published in parts in the magazine "Сятко" (Sjatko) in 1988 . After the 125th birthday of the author, the Rutsja Foundation prepared a bilingual publication of the work. Ermes was to appear in the Eryan language and Russian.

The presentation of the new edition, planned for February 2020 in Saransk , was prevented by an intervention by the “Ministry of Culture, National Politics and Archives Affairs” of the Republic of Mordovia . Rutsya announced that the Eryan part was printed in Cyrillic , as the use of the Latin alphabet for the state languages ​​of the republics has been prohibited by law in the Russian Federation since 2002. - The event was in the Pushkin - National Library of the Republic with the participation of ersjanischen poet Maris Kemal take place.

Works (selection)

Epic poetry
  • «Рьмезь». Saransk 1928/1935. (Ermes)
  • «Рьмезь». In: "Сятко" (Sjatko) 1988. (Ermes, revision)
  • «Рьмезь». In: «Мокша» (Mokscha) 1988. (Ermes, excerpts in Mokschan language )
Works for children
  • «Сенксь». ( Russian Цапля , German Der Kranich)
  • «Андямо».
fairy tale
  • «Ежов сенксь». In: "Сятко" (Sjatko) 1994. (Хитрая цапля, The cunning crane)
  • «Поэмат ды ёвкст». А. В. Алёшкин (Ed.) Saransk 2008. («Поэмы и сказки», poems and stories)

See also

Web links


  • Т. С. Баргова, Е. М. Голубчик (Ed.): «Писатели Мордовии. биографический справочник ». Saransk 2004.


  1. a b c d e "Кулдуркаев Яков Яковлевич" (Russian, accessed April 7, 2020)
  2. a b c d Presentation of Erzyan poem banned in Mordovia . (English, accessed April 7, 2020)
  3. «› Эрьмезень ‹сёрмадыцянтень сюконямо. к 120-летию со дня рождения Я. Я. Кулдуркаева ». (Russian, accessed April 8, 2020)