James Edward Quibell

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James Edward Quibell (born November 11, 1867 in Newport , Shropshire , England , † June 5, 1935 in Hertford ) was a British Egyptologist .

He received his education at Christ Church College , Oxford . He was then involved with Flinders Petrie in the excavation in Tell el-Amarna , where he was chased away by Petrie for theft. In 1893 he dug in Koptos , Naqada and Hierakonpolis . In 1899 he became a member of the Antiquities Authority. In 1898 he was chief inspector of antiquities in the Delta. In 1905 he was involved in the discovery ( Theodore Davis excavation ) of the grave of Juja and Thuja ( KV46 ) in the Valley of the Kings . In the same year he returned to Saqqara , where he was involved in the excavation of the Jeremiah monastery. There he found blocks of the Maya's tomb destroyed by monks . From January 1, 1914 to 1923, he worked as a curator at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo . From 1923 to 1925 he was General Inspector of the Antiquities Authority . After his retirement he worked with his successor Cecil Mallaby Firth on the step pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara.

Publications (selection)

  • Ballas. Bernard Quaritch, London 1896.
  • El Kab. Bernard Quaritch, London 1898.
  • Excavations at Saqqara, 1906-1907. Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, Cairo 1908.
  • Hierakonpolis. Bernard Quaritch, London 1900-1902.
  • The Ramesseum. Bernard Quaritch, London 1898.


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