Jan Herben

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Jan Herben (1927). Drawing by Hugo Boettinger

Jan Herben (born May 7, 1857 in Brumovice near Hustopeče , † December 24, 1936 Prague ) was a Czech politician , journalist , writer and historian .


Herben graduated from the "Slavic High School" in Brno in 1878 . In the years 1878-1883 he passed exams in history, geography and the Czech language at the university. He was one of the students of Václav Vladivoj Tomek , Jaroslav Goll and Antonín Rezek . Jan Gebauer and Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk exerted a great influence on him .

From 1885–1886 he was a journalist for the national papers (Národní listy). At Christmas 1886 he published a bi-weekly magazine Zeit (Čas), which had few readers, but a great influence. In 1889 Zeit appeared weekly. In 1892 he married the occasional writer Bronislava Foustková . In 1894 he bought the time and held it until 1906. In 1895 a booklet appeared for the first time as a supplement to the magazine and in 1896 a fiction supplement. Petr Bezruč and Jan Karafiát discovered Herben . The Catholic Herben joined the Protestants at the end of the century and Zeit has appeared daily since 1901. In 1905 he was accused of defraudation by Emanuel Chalupný and then expelled from the party, but rehabilitated a short time later . From 1907 his collected works appeared.

During the war he was a member of the so-called "Mafia". In 1915 time was set. Herben was a short time novelty (Novina) out and 1917 he returned to the people sheet back. In 1918 he was elected to the National Committee and later to the Revolutionary National Assembly (Revoluční národní shromáždění). 1918–1920 he worked as an editor in the satirical magazine Habe keine Angst (Nebojsa). In 1920 he was elected Senator of the National Democracy (Národní demokracie), and after a failed re-election in 1925 he returned to the Volksblatt as an editor . In 1925 he became a member of the National Labor Party (Národní strana práce), for which he moved to the Prague Central Representation in 1927, for a year he moved to the Czech National Assembly (České zemské zastupitelství) and in 1930 to the People's Socialists. He died in Prague and was buried in Olšany .


As a writer, Herben was a representative of national prose. Under the literary influence of Turgenev and Tolstoy , he paid tribute to the Hussites and condemned those who opposed the Protestant reforms.

Specialist literature
  • Master Prager Jeronym (Mistr Jeroným Pražský)
  • The truthful description of the life of Jan Hus (Pravdivé vylíčení života mistra Jana z Husince) (1884)
  • Cyril and Method ( Cyril a Metoděj ) (1885)
  • Moravia in the years 1618–1619 and the politics of Charles the Elder of Zerotin (Morava v letech 1618 - 1619 a politika Karla staršího ze Žerotína ) (1886)
  • John of Nepomuk - dispute between Bohemian history and the Roman Church (Jan Nepomucký. Spor dějin českých s církví římskou) (1893) - polemics
  • Ten Years Against the Current (Deset let proti proudu 1886 - 1896) (1898) - About the beginning of realism
  • The Masaryk sect and the Golls school (Masarykova sekta a Gollova škola) 1912.
  • Tábor is our program (Tábor je náš program) (1920) - Political treatise
  • New teaching on the Bohemian nobility (Nové učení o české šlechtě) (1924) - polemics
  • MV Kramerius (1926) - study
  • TGM I - III (1926–1927) - monograph on President Masaryk
  • The Question of Religion in Our Awakening (Otázka náboženská v našem probuzení) (1927)
  • Pages from the War Diary (Lístky z válečného deníku 1914-1918) (1933)
  • Book of Memories (Kniha vzpomínek) (1935)
  • Moravian Pictures (Moravské obrázky) (1889) - Collection of stories
  • Slovak children (Slovácké dět) (1890) - collection of stories
  • Up to the third and fourth generation (Do třetího i čtvrtého pokolení) (1892-1937) - his most important work, a novel chronicle, unfinished.
  • In the village (Na dědině) (1893) - collection of stories
  • Brother Jan Palecek (Bratr Jan Paleček) (1902) - children's book
  • Hostišov (1907) - Historical reports and pictures of nature from Tábor.


  • A. Pražák: Jan Herben , Turnov 1937 (biography)

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