Jan Paweł Lelewel

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Jan Paweł Lelewel (miniature by January Suchodolski around 1830)
Zamość market square (watercolor by Jan Paweł Lelewel 1825)
Zamość Fortress (watercolor by Jan Pawel Lelewel around 1825)
Zamość, fortification, New Lublin Gate
New Lviv Gate
Battle of Praga 1831

Jan Paweł Lelewel (born June 26, 1796 in Warsaw , † April 9, 1847 in Bern ) was a Polish engineer officer , freedom fighter and architect .

Origin and lineage

Lelewel comes from a family association that is important for Poland . He was the youngest son of the factory owner and member of the Sejm, Karol Mauricy Lelewel (approx. 1750-1830), from a noble, originally German family. His grandfather was the Royal Polish Councilor and personal physician to King August III. , Heinrich v. Löllhöffel (actually: Lölhöffel von Löwensprung ) (1705–1763), married to Constance Jauch (1722–1802), who later Polonized the name to Lelewel. His great-grandfather was the major general and builder August the Strong , Joachim Daniel von Jauch (1684-1754), his great-uncle Kasper Kazimierz Cieciszowski (1745-1831), Archbishop of Mohylew and Roman Catholic metropolitan of Russia . Lelewel's brother is Poland's most important historian Joachim Lelewel (1786–1861), a freedom fighter like him, and his great-nephew is the Polish Nobel Prize winner for literature Henryk Sienkiewicz (1848–1916).

Work and meaning

Training and Napoleonic Wars

Lelewel graduated from the Artillery and Engineer Officer School in Warsaw. Like his older brother Prot Lelewel (1790-1884), who was both knight of the French Legion of Honor and received the highest Polish war award, the Virtuti Militari Cross , he served in the Napoleonic wars in the Polish contingent on the Napoleonic side. 1812-1813 he took part in Napoleon Bonaparte's Russian campaign .

Fortification and sewer works

After the end of the Napoleonic Wars, Lelewel was initially adjutant to the brigadier general and commander of the engineering troops Jan Chrzciciel de Grandville Malletski (actually: Jean-Baptiste Mallet de Grandville). For this he was 1816-1826 fortress builder in Zamość . He modernized the fortifications from 1618 . The New Lviv Gate (Polish brama lwowska nowa ) and the New Lublin Gate ( brama lubelska nowa ) were built according to his plans in 1820–1821. 1825-1830 Lelewel worked as an engineer officer in the construction of the canal connecting the Vistula and Memel ( Kanał Augustowski ), where he a. a. built the Swoboda lock .

November uprising 1830

1830–1831 he led the Polish November uprising of 1830 against Russia as a lieutenant colonel in the defense of the independent city of Praga opposite Warsaw on the Vistula . After the uprising was put down, he fled to Besançon with his brother Joachim . After his participation in the Hambach Festival and the failed Frankfurt Wachensturm in 1833, in which Lelewel had played a leading role, he sought asylum in Switzerland .

Hydraulic and road engineer in Switzerland

In 1834 Lelewel, who had met Johann Rudolf Schneider in Switzerland , worked as a waterway construction engineer in the canton of Bern. As a “preliminary project” for the 1st Jura water correction (1868–1891), he designed the “Plan general du projet concernant le desséchement du Marais de Zealand”. 1837–1847 he was a cantonal engineer in Bern . In this function, he was responsible for the expansion of the Bern road network, in the course of which he built numerous roads and bridges, including the Tiefenaubrücke near Bern. He also dealt with issues relating to the city expansion of Bern. He was also a talented draftsman and painter, trained by Zygmunt Vogel .


"Individual Poles (note: exiles) stayed here and thanked Switzerland with significant achievements, for example the engineer Lelewel during preparatory work for the correction of the Jura waters."



  • Lelewel, Jean: Compte rendu presente au Departement des travaux publics de la Republique de Berne sur les operations a entreprendre relativement au Dessechement des Marais du Seeland, a l'abaissement des lacs, a la correction de l'Aar et de l'embouchure de l'Emme; accompagne des plans et du devis des travaux a executer , Bern 1834


  • A. Czolowskic: Zapomniany fortyfikator Zamościa. Teka zamoj. (The forgotten fortress builder of Zamość) R. l (5): 1938 nr 3 s. 153 nn. Inż. Jan Paweł Lelewel.
  • Jacek Feduszka: Jan Paweł Lelewel (1796–1847) , in: ZKK No. 3–4 / 1999 pp. 77–84, 2000
  • Orłowski, Bolesław (eds.): Słownik polskich pionierów techniki , Katowice 1984, pp. 118–119
  • Lelewel, Prot and Joachim Lelewel: Żywot Jana Pawla Lelewela, podpułkownika i inżyniera (The Life of Jan Paweł Lelewel, Lieutenant Colonel of the Pioneers) , Poznan 1857
  • Polski Słownik Biograficzny , Volume XVII, p. 19
  • Przegon, Wojciech: Jan Paweł Lelewels general plan for the project to drain the marshland of Zealand (1834). Surveying photogrammetry cultural technology. Switzerland, 8, 1999, pp. 432-434
  • Przegon, Wojciech: Krajobrazy XIX-wiecznego Zamościa w akwarelach i rysunkach Jana Pawła Lelewela. Krakow 1997
  • Przegon, Wojciech: Jan Paweł Lelewel - inżynier wojskowy (Jan Paweł Lelewel - war engineer). Biuletyn Regionalny Zakladu Doradztwa Rolniczego Akademii Rolniczej w Krakowie 2001
  • Schneider, Johann Rudolf: The development in the first third of the 19th century a. the correction plan of the engineer officer Jan Pawel Lelewel (1796-1847) , in: The Seeland of Western Switzerland and the corrections of its waters. A memorandum. , Bern 1881

Web links

Commons : Jan Paweł Lelewel  - Collection of Images
Commons : Zamosc - Defense Facilities -  Collection of images, videos and audio files
Commons : Kanal Augustowski  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Description of the Augustowski Canal in the application for the UNESCO World Heritage List
  2. ^ Dariusz Mitas, Kanal Augustowski ( memento of July 18, 2007 in the Internet Archive ): “Budował kpt. inż. Lelewel 1826-1827 "
  3. Artaud de montor: Encyclopédie des gens du monde: répertoire universel des sciences, des lettres et des arts; avec des notices sur les principales familles historiques et sur les personnages célèbres, morts et vivans , volume 21, part 1, p. 329
  4. Koninklijke Landmacht: Militaire spectator: tijdschrift voor het Nederlandsche leger , Volume 3, 1836, p. 3
  5. Grażyna Szewczyk, Renata Dampe-Jarosz, Eichendorff read today , 2009
  6. a b Christoph Zürcher: Lelewel, Jan Pawel. In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz ., Version of October 20, 2005
  7. Beat Junker: History of the Canton of Bern since 1798 , Volume II: The emergence of the democratic people's state 1831–1880, Section 1.7.2