Jean-Claude Chevalier

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Jean-Claude Chevalier (born April 5, 1925 in Tours , † December 18, 2018 in Paris ) was a French linguist , Romance scholar , grammarian and historian of linguistics. He should not be confused with the Sorbonne-Hispanic Jean-Claude Chevalier (* 1934) and the Andorran literary scholar Jean-Claude Chevalier (* 1943).

life and work


Jean-Claude Chevalier was the son of Agrégé de grammaire (1920) Victor Emile Joseph Chevalier. In 1942, he completed the Hypokhâgne (at the Lycée Condorcet ) and Khâgne (first at the Lycée Henri IV , then at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand ) preparatory classes for the Ecole Normale Supérieure , but failed to enter the Ecole Normale. He completed his studies at the Sorbonne , after marrying in 1947, took the CAPES teaching examination in Lettres classiques in 1948 and became a high school teacher. Since he also failed at the agrégation in philosophy, he successfully switched to agrégation in grammar in 1952. With the desire to teach in South America, for which a doctorate was required, he turned in 1954 as a high school teacher in Roubaix on the advice of Pierre Reboul (1918-1989), later dean of the University of Lille, for a research topic to Gérald Antoine and was the Sorbonne hired as an assistant.

Grammar and magazines published by Larousse

After reading the Anthropologie structurale by Claude Lévi-Strauss , he came to the structuralist linguistics of Roman Jakobson . He met like-minded Claire Blanche-Benveniste , Michel Arrivé and Jean Peytard , with whom he published the very successful Grammaire Larousse du français contemporain (also: Grammaire Chevalier ) in 1964 , as well as Jean Dubois , Algirdas Julien Greimas , Bernard Pottier , Bernard Quemada and Nicolas Ruwet , who founded Langages magazine (published by Larousse) in 1966 . With Jean Dubois, Michel Arrivé, Henri Meschonnic , Henri Mitterand and Alain Rey , he founded the magazine Langue française in 1969 (also published by Larousse), which he managed almost single-handedly until 1991 as the editorial secretary. Another point of contact was the English specialist Antoine Culioli (1924–2018). From 1960 to 1968 Chevalier taught as Maître Assistant at the University of Lille .

Habilitation and chair

After completing his habilitation in 1968 (with the great thèse on the style of Apollinaire and the extensive thèse complémentaire on the history of French linguistics from 1530 to 1750), he became professor of linguistics at the newly founded Center universitaire de Vincennes together with Nicolas Ruwet and Maurice Gross (later : University of Paris VIII ). In 1978 he founded the Société d'histoire et d'épistémologie des sciences du langage (SHESL) with Sylvain Auroux, and in 1979 their journal Histoire Épistémologie Langage . In 1984 he founded the Collaborative Research Center Histoire des théories linguistiques (URA 381), which he initially headed alone, from 1988 to 1992 with Sylvain Auroux.


Chevalier was a scientist well into old age. He died at the age of 94. He was married to the writer Anne-Marie Garat for the second time.

Works (selection)

  • (with Claire Blanche-Benveniste, Michel Arrivé and Jean Peytard): Grammaire Larousse du français contemporain . Larousse, Paris 1964.
  • (Ed. With LeRoy Clinton Breunig, 1915–1996) Guillaume Apollinaire: Les Peintres cubistes. Méditations esthétiques . Herman, Paris 1965.
  • Histoire de la syntaxe. Naissance de la notion de complément dans la grammaire française, 1530–1750 . Droz, Geneva 1968. (Title of the thesis: La notion de complément chez les grammairiens. Etude de grammaire française 1530–1750 )
  • "Alcools" d'Apollinaire. Essai d'analysis des formes poétiques . Lettres Modernes-Minard, Paris 1970.
  • (with Simone Delesalle): La linguistique, la grammaire et l'école 1750–1914 . Armand Colin, Paris 1986.
  • Histoire de la grammaire française . PUF, Paris 1994, 1996. (Que sais-je? 2904)
  • (with Pierre Encrevé): Combats pour la linguistique, de Martinet à Kristeva. Essai de dramaturgie épistémologique . École Normale Supérieure éditions, Lyon 2006.


  • Sylvain Auroux, Simone Delesalle, Henri Meschonnic (eds.): Histoire et grammaire du sens. Tribute to Jean-Claude Chevalier . Armand Colin, Paris 1996.
  • Peter Swiggers: Jean-Claude Chevalier, notice biographique et bibliographique . Center International de Dialectologie Générale, Louvain 1995.
  • Jean-Louis Chiss (* 1949): "Jean-Claude Chevalier (1925-2018) et Langue française". In: Langue française 201, 2019, pp. 131-133. (on-line)
  • Jean-Louis Chiss: "Homage. Jean-Claude Chevalier (1925-2018) et l'histoire de la linguistique". In: Histoire Epistémologie Langage 41, 2019, pp. 3–5. (on-line)
  • Jean-Louis Chiss: "Jean-Claude Chevalier (1925-2018)". In: Le français aujourd'hui 204, 2019, pp. 193–194. (on-line)

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