Joachim Deumling

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Joachim Deumling (born January 25, 1910 in Bungerhof / Oldenburg , † April 2, 2007 in Bad Lauterberg ) was a German lawyer and SS leader. During the Nazi era , he was promoted to SS-Obersturmbannführer and senior government councilor. Deumling was head of Section IV D 2 ( General Government Affairs in the Reich) in the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), head of Einsatzkommandos 10b in Croatia and later construction advisor to the Egyptian secret service.

Youth and Nazi careers

Joachim Deumling was born in 1910 in the Bürgerhof in Oldenburg. Growing up in Pomerania , where his father had taken over an estate, Deumling passed his Abitur in Neustettin in 1929 and began to study law and political science in Breslau and Berlin. In 1933 he passed the trainee exam and in 1936 the assessor exam, and then in 1937 with a thesis on the Protestant Church to become a Dr. jur. to do a PhD .

Deumling became a member of the NSDAP with the number 1,942,286 and also joined the SS (SS number 187,708). So he found a job with the Gestapo and was deployed to the State Police Office (Stapo) in Hanover in September 1936 . In the spring of 1937 he was promoted to deputy head of the Stapo post in Opole .

After the establishment of the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) on October 1, 1939, Deumling was appointed head of Section II O for the occupied Polish territories . In July 1941 he took over Section IV D 2 ( General Government Affairs , Poland in the Reich), after having returned to the Stapo Opole from February 1940 .

Like most of the RSHA's command corps, Deumling was temporarily transferred from his desk to the task forces of the Security Police and the SD . From March 15, 1943, he took over the command of Einsatzkommando 10b in Croatia. There he was wounded in December 1944 and stayed in the hospital until the end of the war .

After the war

After the war, Deumling escaped from internment and lived in Germany under a false name until 1951, when he reported himself for using a false name. In 1954 he went to Egypt , where from 1954 to 1957 he took part in the establishment of the Egyptian secret service . In 1957 he returned to Germany and found work as an authorized signatory in a company in Brackwede .

On 26 June 1967 he was next to Bernhard Baatz , Emil Berndorff arrested and others, according to Berlin-Moabit sent to prison and the so-called RSHA method accused as head of Poland Referates, located in 150 cases of aid to the murder to have been guilty, by participating in the drafting and issuing of state police decrees, through which the orders issued before his term of office on the treatment of Polish civil workers and prisoners of war as well as on the execution of executions were developed (decision to open the preliminary investigation of March 22, 1968 by the Berlin Regional Court ).

In the present case law , the only perpetrators were Hitler, Himmler and Heydrich. All the others were among the assistants if they had not killed people themselves with their own hands and for low motives. However, it was precisely the change to a law from the Nazi era that led to an inglorious end to the public prosecutor's efforts to hold the desk perpetrators in the RSHA accountable.

According to the ordinance of December 5, 1939 ( RGBl. I p. 2378), in contrast to the previous legal situation, the same threat of punishment applied to the perpetrator as to the perpetrator. The Grand Criminal Law Commission therefore decided in February 1955 that it should again be possible to differentiate between perpetrators and perpetrators with regard to the level of punishment. In order to relieve the courts of the ever increasing number of criminal proceedings for traffic offenses, the Introductory Act to the Law on Administrative Offenses was formulated as an article law, with which, among other things, Section 50 (2) of the Criminal Code was newly drafted in line with the Criminal Law Commission. According to this, the perpetrator only had to be punished with the same punishment as the perpetrator if there were special personal characteristics. If the low motives for the murder assistants could not be proven in the accusation of murder , then the crime could no longer be punished with the life imprisonment applicable to the perpetrator, but only with an early sentence of a maximum of 15 years. Such early crimes, however, were subject to the statute of limitations , which had already come into effect on May 8, 1960 for days before the end of the war. The attempt to exclude acts from the Nazi era from this regulation through legal constructions ultimately failed because of the final decision of the Federal Court of Justice on May 20, 1969 (see statute of limitations debate ). The majority of those accused in the so-called RSHA trial therefore had to be released (for details, see Friedrich see references). Deumling was also released in December 1968.

As early as 1969, the Berlin Court of Appeal initiated a new preliminary investigation into Joachim Deumling for aiding and abetting the murder of at least 3,823 people. However, even these investigations did not lead to an indictment or trial.
