Johann Baptist Cysat

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Johann Baptist Cysat

Johann Baptist Cysat ( Latinized Johannes Baptista Cysatus ; * 1586 or March 12, 1587 in Lucerne ; † March 3, 1657 ibid) was a Swiss mathematician and astronomer.

Johann Baptist Cysat discovered new, physically related binary star systems in 1619 .


Cysat was born as the son of the Lucerne town clerk Renward Cysat . He joined the order of the Jesuits in 1604 . At the University of Ingolstadt , he studied mathematics and astronomy with Christoph Scheiner . He was initially his employee and followed him in 1618 as a professor of mathematics. In 1622 he left Ingolstadt and returned to his homeland. From 1624 to 1627 he was rector of the Jesuit College of Lucerne . After living in Spain for a while, he became rector of the University of Innsbruck in 1637 and rector of the Collegium Willibaldinum in Eichstätt in 1646 . Finally he took over the rectorate of the college of his native Lucerne.

Johann Baptist Cysat made telescopes and observed the comet of 1618 . He was one of the first to describe the sunspots and the Orion Nebula . The astronomer Giovanni Riccioli named the lunar crater Cysatus after him .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rita Haub : Sun, Moon and Stars. Jesuits as discoverers (= Topos-plus-Taschenbücher, Volume 642), Kevelaer 2008, ISBN 978-3-8367-0642-1 . ( limited preview in Google Book search)