Johann Carl Gehler

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Johann Carl Gehler.jpg

Johann Carl Gehler (born May 17, 1732 in Görlitz ; † May 6, 1796 ), also cited as Johann Karl Gehler , was a German doctor , anatomist and mineralogist .


Gehler was born the son of the miner and astronomer Johann Wilhelm Gehler (1696–1765) and Johanna Sophie (née Kober). He studied medicine in Leipzig as a pupil of the doctor and botanist Christian Gottlieb Ludwig (1709–1773) and received his doctorate there in 1758. In addition to his medical studies, he showed an early interest in mineralogy and published a work on this topic as early as 1757 ( De characteribus fossilium externis ). After completing his doctorate, he first went to Freiberg to continue his mineralogical studies. A scientific journey then took him through Germany and Switzerland , until he took obstetrics lessons with Johann Jakob Fried (1689–1769) in Strasbourg .

After his return to Freiberg , he qualified as a lecturer in mineralogy and introduced the first mineralogical lectures at the University of Leipzig . At the same time he ran an obstetrics practice and was appointed city ​​obstetrician in 1759 . In 1762 he was appointed professor extraordinary of botany . In 1773 he took over the chair of physiology , 1780 that of anatomy and surgery , and in 1789 he became professor of practical medicine. Gehler was rector of the University of Leipzig in the winter semester of 1790

The mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner was one of his students .

Works (selection)

  • Small writings on the art of childbirth. 2 volumes. Translated from Latin by Kühn. Leipzig 1798.
  • Experimental Chimie illustrated. 1776. (online)


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