Johann Christian Kirchmayer

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Johann Christian Kirchmayer (also: Kirchmeyer , Kirchmeier ; born September 4, 1674 in Orferode ; † March 15, 1743 in Marburg ) was a German Protestant theologian and professor at the universities of Heidelberg and Marburg.


The son of the pastor of the same name († 1708) of the Reformed parishes in Opheroda and Cammerbach and his wife Anna Sibilla born. Wagner († 1715, daughter of the rent master in Wetter), had attended school in Allendorf since 1681 and began studying at the University of Marburg in 1690 . Here he first studied philosophy and mathematics with Johann Georg Brand (1645–1703) and attended Salomon Berthold's lectures in Hebrew and metaphysics . Soon he switched to studying theology; his teachers were Samuel Andreae (1640–1699) in church history, Philipp Johann Tilemann (1640–1708), Thomas Gautier (1638–1709) and Johann Laurentius Crollius (1642–1709).

In 1695 he completed an educational trip to Holland, which took him via Bremen to the University of Rinteln and the University of Franeker . When he returned to Marburg in 1699, he refused an appointment as a pastor in Hamm, obtained a licentiate in theology at Easter 1700 and in the same year went to the grammar school in Herborn as a high school professor of philosophy and theology . In 1702 he received his doctorate in theology in Marburg, in 1706 he went to Heidelberg University as a professor of theology , where he became pastor at St. Peterskirche . After he had rejected an appointment as professor of theology at the University of Franeker in 1707, he became rector of the Heidelberg University on December 20, 1708.

He declined further appointments in 1718 as court preacher in Nassau-Dillenburg, in 1719 as professor of theology at the University of Utrecht and in 1722 in Herborn. Instead, in 1722 he accepted an appointment as the first professor of theology at the University of Marburg , where his cousin Johann Siegmund Kirchmayer was already teaching theology. Associated with it he was consistorial councilor in Kassel and Marburg. In 1723 he received the inspection of the Reformed Church of the Electorate of Hesse . He turned down other honorable appointments, in 1724 as professor of theology at the University of Gröningen and at the University of Leiden.

Kirchmayer also took part in the organizational tasks of the Marburg University. He was dean of the theological faculty in 1725, 1728, 1731, 1733, 1736, 1739 and 1742 as well as prorector of the alma mater in 1725, 1727, 1728, 1729 and 1737 . He wrote numerous smaller theological writings, dissertations, programs and speeches with dogmatic , ethical, exegetical and polemical content, summarized in two collections under the title Selectarum dispp. theol. Manipulus (1725) and Exercitationum academicarum Sylloge (1735).


In 1717 Kirchmayer had married Elisabeth Victoria, the daughter of the Hessian government and upper chamber councilor Henrich Dehnrothenfelser (Dehn Rothfelser), a descendant of Philipp Melanchthon's sister . There were seven daughters and one son from the marriage. Two daughters died in childhood. The children are known:

  • Anna Elisabeth Henrietta Kirchmayer married the Marburg lawyer Bernhard von Hamm in 1738
  • Eleonora Amalia Kirchmayer married the Marburg councilor Georg Heinrich Scheffer in 1741


Individual evidence

  1. Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung . CA Schwetschke, 1823, p. 808 ( limited preview in Google Book search).