Johann II. (Oldenburg)

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Count Johann II of Oldenburg (documented in 1272 in Oldenburg ; † 1315 ibid) was Count of Oldenburg . His parents were Christian III. von Oldenburg and Jutta von Bentheim .


Johann II. Was after the death of his father in 1285 to 1289 under the tutelage of his in Delmenhorst resident uncle Otto II. Of Oldenburg-Delmenhorst , who apparently acted as a guardian of the children of his deceased brother. In the period from 1301 to 1314 he documented and sealed together with his brother Christian, who is not mentioned in the Rasteder Chronicle . The monastery of Rastede suffered from attacks by Johann II. The image of this count in the local tradition is accordingly negative: he brought the country into great poverty, lives in Rastede, although married, with a concubine and behaves like a peasant (quasi unus rusticus).

Johann was the founding history of the Dominican nuns - monastery Blankenburg involved by forcing four years later the first of 1290 established in Lehe Convention, in the economically unergiebigere Hunteniederung draw east Oldenburg to keep such material damage through the loss of territory on its side within limits .

Towards the end of the 13th century Johann was involved in feuds against the Stedinger and in 1292 or 1293 in Otto II's failed attack on the ruling position of the Archdiocese of Bremen on the Stedinger Lechter side.

Family and offspring

Johann II was married to Elisabeth von Braunschweig-Lüneburg for the first time, the sons Christian IV and Johann III. followed their father after his death as common ruling counts. The other son Moritz became dean of the cathedral in Bremen . In his second marriage, Johann II was married to Hedwig von Diepholz , from this marriage came Konrad I , who took over the count's reign from 1324 together with his older half-brothers, another son and Gisela von Oldenburg, who lived with Count Gerhard III. von Hoya was married.


predecessor Office successor
Christian III Oldenburg Stammwappen.png
Count of Oldenburg
Christian IV.
John III.