Johann Karl Baumann

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Johann Karl Baumann (* around 1714 in Kirchheimbolanden ; † 1794 in Annweiler ) was an organ builder from Palatinate-Zweibrücken . One of his best-known works is the Baumann organ from 1782 in the castle church in Bad Bergzabern .


Baumann organ from 1764 in Altenstadt

Baumann first worked as a carpenter and later specialized in organ building. He was probably an apprentice to Johann Michael Stumm , the founder of the Stumm family of organ builders . Contacts with Johann Andreas Silbermann's workshop in Alsace could also have existed.

In 1748 Johann Karl Baumann built his first organ. Thirteen of his new organs are still known today: Annweiler, Schlosskirche in Bergzabern (1780–1782), Birkenfeld , Freisbach , Ilbesheim , Zweibrücken , Böhl , Iggelheim , Mußbach , Winzingen , Hunspach , Cleeburg and Altenstadt near Weißenburg (1764).

Baumann was married and one of his children was the organ and piano builder Matthias Christian Baumann (1740–1816), who was best known for his table pianos .


  • Bernhard B. Bonkhoff: The Baumann family of organ builders and their work. In: Communications of the Working Group for Middle Rhine Music History. Waldfischbach, Volume 39 (1979), pp. 510-532.
  • Robert Hensel: 200 years of the Baumann organ in Bad Bergzabern. In: Heimat-Jahrbuch des Südliche Weinstrasse district . Volume 5 (1983), pp. 18-20.