Johann Reimers (painter)

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Johann Ivanovich Reimers ( Russian Иван Иванович Реймерс * 1818 in St. Petersburg , † November 25 jul. / 7. December  1868 greg. ) Was a German - Russian painter and sculptor .


Johann Reimers was the son of the master carpenter Johann Reimers, who settled in St. Petersburg and took Russian citizenship. Reimers showed his special talent early on, so that he was accepted into the Imperial Academy of Arts in 1824 . During his training as a medalist and sculptor with Pawel Petrovich Utkin , he won two small and one large silver medal and in 1839 a small gold medal for his wax sculpture of the lion-defeating Samson . He was proposed for the competition for the great gold medal, in which he could not take part due to his limited financial means. He graduated in 1840.

In 1844 Reimers took part in the competition for reliefs for St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, in which Peter Clodt von Juergensburg , Mikhail Grigoryevich Krylow and Robert Salemann also took part. In 1845 he and David Jensen opened the first workshop in Russia for the burning of sculptural art objects and decorations made of particularly strong terracotta . In 1846 Reimers received the order for facade figures , bas-reliefs and caryatids made of terracotta for the Hermitage .

In 1846 Reimers was appointed academician for sculpture. When he was sent abroad at his own expense in 1851 to improve his sculptural skills, he visited Paris and Amsterdam and settled in Munich , where he busied himself with painting . In 1855 he was appointed academician for painting folk scenes for his Munich paintings . After his return to St. Petersburg, he was appointed professor for his painting Grape Harvest in Italy in 1862. In 1863 he became a state professor for the art of medallion at the Academy of Arts.

Reimers traveled in Russia and visited Yekaterinodar , Vladikavkaz , Kutaisi and the south coast of Crimea . In 1868 he traveled abroad. He took part in exhibitions at the Academy of Arts and the Imperial Society for the Promotion of the Arts, as well as in international exhibitions. His works are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery , the Russian Museum and other museums.

