Robert Salemann

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Robert Salemann

Robert John Karlovich Salemann ( Russian Роберт Карлович Залеман * January 16 . Jul / 28. January  1813 greg. In Tallinn , † September 12 jul. / 24. September  1874 greg. In Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian sculptor and university lecturer .


Salemann's Baltic German parents were the Mayor of Reval, Karl Johann Salemann, and his wife Anna Dorothea, née Lütkens. After attending school and taking his first artistic lessons in Reval, Salemann studied sculpture at the Academy of Arts in Dresden with Ernst Rietschel from 1833–1836 . After two more years of study at the St. Petersburg Academy of the Arts , he continued his education in Munich from 1838–1840 in Ludwig Schwanthaler's workshop . He then went to Rome for further studies .

From 1842 Salemann lived and worked in St. Petersburg. In 1843 he was recognized as a freelance artist by the Academy of Arts for his bust of the architect Avraam Ivanovich Melnikov . Then he received the order for three skin reliefs for St. Isaac's Cathedral . 1856-1858 he created the four allegorical female figures Power , Wisdom , Justice and Faith for the pedestal of the monument to Nicholas I , as well as the bas-relief depicting Count Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky , who presented the code to the emperor. The heads of the female figures are portraits of Empress Alexandra Fjodorovna and her daughters Marija , Olga and Alexandra . Salemann was then accepted as a member of the Academy of Arts in 1858.

For the Millennium of Russia in Novgorod Kremlin Salemann created the sculpture groups of Czar Michael I. with the citizen Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky , the Holy Prince Vladimir I. with a woman with a child and a pagan and the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy with a defeated Mongolian warrior. In 1863 Salemann was conferred hereditary nobility . In 1868 he was appointed professor at the Academy of Arts.

Salemann was married to Dorothea Boell. Her son Hugo also became a sculptor.

Salemann was buried in the Lutheran part of the Wolkowo cemetery .



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Robert Johann Salemann. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  2. ^ Andrei Iwanowitsch Somow : Salemann Russian sculptor, 1st Robert Karlovich . In: Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона - Enziklopeditscheski slowar Brokgausa i Jefrona . tape 6 a [12]: Винословие – Волан. Brockhaus-Efron, Saint Petersburg 1892, p. 187 (Russian, full text [ Wikisource ] PDF ).
  3. Pyotr Nikolayevich Stolpjanski : Залеман, Роберт Карлович . In: Русский биографический словарь А. А. Половцова . tape 7 , 1897, p. 202 ( full text [Wikisource]).
  4. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Salemann, Karl Johann. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  5. Герб Залеманов (accessed August 10, 2018).
  6. Petri School: Залеман, Гуго Робертович (accessed August 10, 2018).