Andrei Ivanovich Somov

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Andrei Iwanowitsch Somow (Konstantin Somow, 1897)

Andrei Iwanowitsch Somow ( Russian Андрей Иванович Сомов ; * 15 May July / 27 May  1830 greg. In the village of Otrada, Ujesd Klin ; † 30 May July / 12 June  1909 greg. In St. Petersburg ) was a Russian Art historian and university professor .


Somow came from the old noble family Somow, which traced back to Aslan-Mursa Tschelebei from the Golden Horde , who had passed to Dmitri Donskoi . Somow was the 9th of 14 children of Ivan Iossifowitsch Somov. 1839 Somov was a result of the bankruptcy of his prodigal father with a bread transport of Moscow sent to St. Petersburg, where he older brother of his 15 years Ossip was taken. Somow attended the 4th St. Petersburg ( Larin ) high school there and gave private lessons in mathematics in his spare time . After graduating from high school in 1849, he began studying at the physics and mathematics faculty of the University of St. Petersburg . In addition, he attended the drawing courses at the school of the Ministry of Finance (the later drawing school of the Imperial Society for the Promotion of Artists) and studied painting with Filipp Ossipowitsch Budkin . From 1851 he gave mathematics lessons at the private boarding school GK Emmes (until 1858).

After graduating in 1854 taught Somov mathematics and physics at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute (1855-1859) and in the officer classes of the Navy - Cadet Corps (1858-1859). From 1856 he published art studies and worked for the oldest Russian newspaper Sankt-Peterburgskije Vedomosti . 1856-1857 his letters marked AS about the Imperial Hermitage appeared in 13 issues of the Russian Painting Library . In 1857 he made a trip to Austria , Germany , Italy and France . In 1858 he took part in the organization of the art society with students and graduates of the Imperial Academy of the Arts and drafted a statute. In 1859 his guide appeared through the painting collection of the Imperial Hermitage. 1859–1862, Somow's translation of the Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche intorno a due nuove scienze attenenti alla meccanica ei movimenti locali Galileo Galileo's into Russian with Somov's preface and notes was printed in parts in the journal of the Central Administration for Transport and Public Buildings . In the 1860s he studied engraving with JD Dmitrijew, a student of Nikolai Ivanovich Utkins, and continued his education in art history .

From 1863 to 1886 Somow served in the Imperial Academy of Sciences as managing director of the Chancellery of the conferences, as a translator and from 1871 as assistant to the academy secretary Konstantin Stepanowitsch Wesselowski . In 1871 he was elected a free honorary member (without teaching obligation) of the Imperial Academy of the Arts for the development of etching and his textbook on engraving. This was followed by the appointment as college assessor (8th grade class ). In the same year, the first volume of the catalog of paintings of the Gallery of the Academy of Arts was published by Somow (the third bank followed in 1886). He was a founding member of the Society of Etching Erasers (1871–1874). In 1878 he became a full member of the Imperial Society for the Promotion of the Arts, to whose committee he belonged from 1880. At the World Exhibition in Paris in 1878 he was commissioner of the Russian art department. From 1883 to 1889 he was a professor at the Higher Bestuschewskije kursy for women and gave a lecture on the history of the fine arts. He published studies on Karl Pawlowitsch Brjullow , Antoine Joseph Wiertz , Pawel Andrejewitsch Fedotow and Jelena Dmitrijewna Polenowa .

In 1886 Somow became senior curator of the Hermitage for the department of paintings, drawings and engravings due to the illness of the chief curator of the Imperial Hermitage Ernst Kunik . In addition to the Hermitage painting catalog, he created the painting catalog for the Łazienki Palace in Warsaw . According to Albert Nikolayevich Benois ' memory , Somov's apartment walls were thickly covered with paintings, mostly acquisitions of no particular value, and series of drawings and watercolors by Orest Adamowitsch Kiprensky , Brjullows and Fedotov. He was happy to pass on works as gifts of thanks. From 1891 he worked with the publication of the Brockhaus-Efron and edited the department of fine arts. In 1907 he was appointed to the Privy Council (4th class).

Somow had been married to Nadezhda Konstantinovna, born Lobanova († 1906), since 1863 and had three children. Alexander (1867–1903) was an art scholar and worked on museum affairs in the Ministry of Finance. Konstantin (1869–1939) was a painter and graphic artist . Anna (1873–1945) was an artist .

Somow died after a traffic accident in which he was hit by an equipage on Palace Square near the Hermitage . He was buried in the St. Petersburg Novodevichy Cemetery.

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Nekropol Sankt-Peterburga i okrestnostei: Сомов Андрей Иванович (accessed on September 26, 2019).
  2. Большая российская энциклопедия: СО́МОВ Андрей Иванович (accessed September 26, 2019).
  3. a b c Мартынов, Игорь Николаевич: Андрей Иванович Сомов и его роль в развитии русского искусствознания второй половины Х I Х-начала ХХ веков (тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК 17:00:04, кандидат искусствоведения Мартынов, Игорь Николаевич) . Moscow 2000 ( [1] [accessed September 25, 2019]).
  4. a b c d e f Сомов (Андрей Иванович) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . XXXa, 1900, p. 850-851 ( Wikisource [accessed September 26, 2019]).
  5. a b Никифорова Т. Р .: Осип Иванович Сомов . Nauka , Moscow, Leningrad 1964, pp. 7 .
  6. Сомов А. И .: История изящных искусств: Лекции проф. А.И. Сомова. 1885-1886 . St. Petersburg 1886 ( [2] [accessed September 26, 2019]).
  7. Сомов А. И .: Карл Павлович Брюллов и его значение в русском искусстве . In: Пчела . 1876 ​​( [3] [accessed September 26, 2019]).
  8. Сомов А. И .: Антуан Вирц, бельгийский живописец . In: Свет (научно-художеств. Журнал Н. Вагнера) . 1877.
  9. Сомов А. И .: Павел Андреевич Федотов . In: Пчела . 1878.
  10. Сомов А. И .: Елена Дмитриевна Поленова. 1850 † 1898: Очерк жизни и творчества . т-во тип. А.И. Мамонтова, Moscow 1902 ( [4] [accessed September 26, 2019]).
  11. Сомов А. И .: Каталог картин, находящихся в Имп. Лазенковском дворце в Варшаве . Губ. тип., Warsaw 1895 ( [5] [accessed September 26, 2019]).