Johann Wittik

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Johann Wittik (born August 9, 1923 in Reichenberg , Czechoslovakia ) is a former German economic functionary and diplomat of the GDR .


As the son of a baker, he completed an apprenticeship as a weaver after attending primary school and then worked in the profession. In 1931 he became a member of the Communist Youth Union of Czechoslovakia. From 1942 to 1945 he had to do military service in the German Wehrmacht and in 1945 was taken prisoner by the British.

After his release he went back to his hometown, but was relocated to Pirna in 1946 . He found work as a spinning technician at VEB Textilwerke Zittau and became a member of the SED in 1947 . From 1947 to 1949 he studied at the textile engineering school in Zittau, graduating as a textile engineer. He then attended a course at the German Administrative Academy in Forst Zinna in 1949/50 and worked as the deputy technical director of the VVB weaving mills in Meerane in 1950/51 and as the technical director of the VVB wool and silk weaving mills in Glauchau in 1951/52 .

In 1952 he went to Berlin as a department head or deputy head of a head office in the Ministry of Light Industry . From 1956 to 1958 he was Deputy Minister for Light Industry. From 1958 to 1961 he acted as chairman of the district economic council and deputy chairman of the council of the district of Gera and was at the same time a member of the local SED district leadership. From July 1961 to November 1963 he was the deputy chairman and from November 1963 to 1965 he was the first deputy chairman of the Economics Council and at the same time a member of the GDR Council of Ministers .

On the VI. At the SED party congress in January 1963, he was elected a candidate for the Central Committee (ZK) and in 1965 he was appointed Minister of Light Industry (until 1972). At the 7th plenum of the SED Central Committee in December 1964, he was elected a member of the SED Central Committee together with Inge Lange , Siegbert Löschau and Günther Wyschofsky . In 1967 he completed his studies at the Central Institute for Socialist Economic Management .

After his replacement as minister, he was the GDR's ambassador to the People's Republic of China from August 1973 to 1976. On the IX. At the SED party congress in May 1976, he was no longer elected to the SED Central Committee. He was then general director of VEB Minol Berlin until 1990 .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ New Germany from August 1, 1961
  2. ^ New Germany of November 15, 1963