Johann von Hall

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Johann von Hall - also Johann von Halle - (* 1524 in Minden ; † August 7, 1588 in Oldenburg ) was a German lawyer and politician.


Hall was the illegitimate son of the Brunswick councilor Franz von Halle and attended schools in Lübbecke , Osnabrück and Hanover . From 1540 he studied law at the University of Wittenberg . Among other things, Kilian Goldstein and Veit Windsheim were his teachers. He was introduced to Martin Luther's house by his teacher Hieronymus Schurff . After an internship at the Imperial Court of Justice in Speyer , Hall continued his training at the University of Siena and finished his studies with his doctorate as a " Doctor iuris utriusque ". He returned to Speyer and settled there as a lawyer . In 1552 Prince Heinrich III appointed him . to his advisor.

He later moved to his relatives, the Archbishop of Bremen , Christoph von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, in the same position . In 1569, Count Anton I von Oldenburg (1505–1573) also appointed the now well-known and proven lawyer as an external appraiser and advisor with the title Rat von Haus aus . When Count Johann VII took over the business of government in 1573 and reorganized the judiciary and administration of Oldenburg , he appointed Hall on March 20, 1573 as chancellor and head of the count's chancellery , which now received expanded competencies and as a higher court and as a working staff of the sovereign in all government affairs acted. In addition to the respective Landdrosten von Oldenburg, Hall received a decisive position in the politics and administration of the county, which he held until his death. His successor was the lawyer Heinrich Bulle , who also came from Minden .


Hall was married to Marie geb. from Wendt. The marriage had two sons and three daughters.
