Johann von der Asseburg

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Johann von der Asseburg , also Johann VIII. Von der Asseburg or Hans von der Asseburg († May 17, 1567 in Kaschau ) was an imperial field bishop , captain in Thuringia and cavalry master of Brandenburg .



Johann was a member of the Brunswick noble family von der Asseburg . His parents were the heir to Neindorf , Peseckendorf , Falkenstein and Crottorf, Ludwig von der Asseburg († before April 15, 1517) and Gisela von Dannenberg .


Asseburg was born at the beginning of the 16th century on his father's estate Neindorf, the information about the year of his birth ranges from 1503 to 1512. He was lord of Neindorf, Peseckendorf, Gunsleben , Wallhausen and part of Falkenstein.

1547 he joined for Elector Moritz von Sachsen in the Electorate of Saxony military service. So he was able to be successful in anticipation of the imperial campaign against Saxony in the course of the Schmalkaldic War at Rochlitz against Elector Johann Friedrich I of Saxony .

He led the 1552 Brandenburg Margrave Johann von Brandenburg at its request 500 horsemen on horseback and "well-armed" shooters. He was appointed as commander of this troop on June 2 in Küstrin to the Kurbrandenburg Rittmeister and received 2500 thalers waiting allowance .

In 1566 Asseburg became captain in Thuringia.

As an imperial field bishop, he died in Hungary in the war against the Turks in Kosice and was also buried in Kosice.


Asseburg married in 1538 with Klara von Cramm († 1579), a daughter of the mercenary leader of the Reformation era and friend of Martin Luther , Asche von Cramm and Margarethe Dorothea von Brandenstein . The marriage resulted in six daughters and four sons.

  • Anna von der Asseburg (1539–1543)
  • Katharina von der Asseburg († after 1570), ⚭ Christoph von Trotha zu Gänsefurth
  • Maria von der Asseburg (* 1543), ⚭ I. Count Georg V. Vitzthum von Eckstädt zu Kannawurf († 1578); ⚭ II. Gebhard von Bortfeld zu Oelber
  • Gisela von der Asseburg († after 1582), ⚭ Hans Gebhard von Hoym († before 1582), ⚭
  • Augustus von der Asseburg (1545–1604), Brunswick Councilor, Canon of Magdeburg , ⚭ I. 1574 Gertrud von Veltheim († 1575); ⚭ II. 1577 Elisabeth von Alvensleben (1552–1609)
  • Ludwig von der Asseburg (1546–1633), Magdeburg District Administrator, ⚭ I. 1575 Anna Westphalen zu Lichtenau (1556–1623); ⚭ 1625 II. Sibylle von Spitznas († 1649)
  • Asche von der Asseburg (1548–1580), ⚭ 1579 Anna von Steinberg († after 1612)
  • Hans Ernst von der Asseburg († 1612), Brandenburg Councilor, ⚭ I. Magdalene von Bortfeld († 1580); ⚭ II. 1583 Ilse von Quitzow (1552–1625)
  • Margaretha von der Asseburg (1541–1606), ⚭ 1569 Joachim von Alvensleben zu Calbe and Erxleben († 1588)
  • Anna von der Asseburg († 1592), ⚭ 1588 Hans Hartmann von Erffa († 1610)

Johann von der Asseburg was the progenitor of the four subsequent main lines of his family:

  • Falkenstein and Neindorf line
  • Schermcke, Wallhausen and Hinnenburg line
  • Ampfurth, Eggenstedt and Gunsleben line
  • Beyernaumburg, Peseckendorf and Neu-Asseburg line


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Individual evidence

  1. Valentin König : Genealogical Adelskalender - Genealogical aristocratic history or gender description of those noble families in the Chur-Saxon and neighboring countries. , Volume 3, Leipzig 1736, p. 11.
  2. Konrad Barthold Behrens : Genealogical and partly historical presentation of the origin and descent of some ancient well-born noble houses , Hanover and Wolffenbüttel 1703, p. 52.
  3. Konrad Barthold Behrens : Tree trunk of the noble house of Asseburg , Paderborn 1721, family table II.