Johannes Assuerus Ampzing

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Johannes Assuerus Ampzing

Johannes Assuerus Ampzing , also Ampsing , Ahasverus , (* 1558 in Overijssel , † April 19, 1642 in Rostock ) was a Dutch medic .


Johannes Assuerus was born in Oberyssel in 1558, studied theology a . a. at the University of Rostock , and subsequently worked as a Reformed preacher and member of the synod from 1583 . In 1591 he left his service and secluded himself from ecclesiastical community life. From 1592–1593 he worked as a preacher in the army of Prince Moritz of Orange , who gave him a good report card. The Synod endeavored to exhort him to return to a Christian way of life because he stayed away from the congregation meeting and had inordinate conversations with anyone other than his own wife. In 1593 the Synod judged the evidence for an unsuitable relationship to be incomplete and called for reconciliation. In 1594 he stayed in Haarlem and caused a lot of trouble by roaming the city on horseback with sword and rifle and messing with the officials . He refused to attend the synod in Haarlem, claiming he was in Haarlem for his pleasure and did not want to be disturbed for the synod. The Synods of North Holland and South Holland made several attempts to induce him to lead a godly way of life and return to the congregation, but he no longer felt bound to the church and was also removed from his position as army preacher. He then moved abroad with the woman he had a relationship with, his wife Geesken Albertsdr. with seven children left unsupervised. He made a trip to Sweden , where he was appointed city doctor in Wismar . Assuerus answered this call. In 1603 he married the merchant widow Katharina von Sonnema, who died in 1611. The following year he went to Rostock as a city doctor. At the university there, he also taught as a full professor of medicine from March 5 of the following year . Later he was also the Duke's personal physician. His Dutch Last Supper denomination caused problems with Rostock's ecclesiastical ministry, which the council sought to resolve. Therefore, he was removed from his position as professor in 1633, which he wanted to reverse before the council. The negotiations that followed were not in his favor. In 1640, at the age of 82, he had to adopt the Rostock Lutheranism . On April 19, 1642, Assuerus died in Rostock.


  • Dissertatio Iatromathematica: In Qua De Medicinae Et Astronomiae praestantia, deq [ue] utriusq [ue] indissolubili coniugio disseritur: tum vero ipsa etiam Astrologia, quae pars est Astronomiae ... a contemptu quorundam vindicatur (Rostock 1602)
  • Counter-report from the Pestilentz: On a Lübeck distillery that has long since gone out, which he titled: Kurtzer but a thorough and salutary report / how to deal with the poisonous plague of the Pestilentz etc. (Rostock 1605)
  • Theses De Alopecia Et Ophiasi (Rostock 1616)
  • D. Joannis Assveri Ampsingii Transisulani, […] Disputatio De Calculo (Rostock 1617)
  • D. Joannis Assveri Ampsingii Transisulani […] Medicinae Professoris ordinarii, & Poliatri Rostochiensis, Dialexis De Morborum Differentiis: Duabus partibus comprehensa. Quarum prior circa Morbi in genere considerati definitionem pene tota versatur. Altera Morborum species ad ultimam usq [ue] definiendo prosequitur (Rostock 1618)
  • D. Joannis Assueri Ampsingii Transisulani [...] & Poliatri Rostochiensis Dissertatio Iatromathematica: In Qua De Medicinae Et Astronomiae Praestantia, deque Utriusque indissolubili coniugio disseritur: tum vero IPSA etiam Astrologia, qua pars est Astronomiae [...] a contemptu quorundam vindicatur (Rostock 1618)
  • Programma. In Obitum Honestissimae Matronae Catharinae Horstmans Coniugis Viri Magnifici […] D. Alberti Heinii Ictiillustris. Reverendis […] Iuris professoris & Antecessoris in hac Academia eximii (Rostock 1619)
  • D. Joannis Assueri Ampsingii De Theriaca Senioris Andromachi Oratio (Rostock 1619)
  • D. Joannis Assveri Ampsingii Transisulani […] Disputatio De Calculo (Rostock 1623)
  • Joannis Assueri Ampsingii Hectas Affectionum Capillos Et Pilos Humani corporis infestantium (Rostock 1623)
  • D. Johannis Assueri Ampsingii De Morborum Differentiis Liber (Rostock 1623)
  • Nasturtium D. Joannis Assueri Ampsingii, contra Strygnium Jacobi Durfeldii (Rostock 1628)
  • Aquila Coelestis seu Draco cum Dracone D. Johannis Assueri Ampsingii, contra Pseud antidotum Jacobi Durfeldii, Luthero, Philippo & Erasmo-magistis (Rostock 1628)
  • Admonitio Christiana De Syrtibus Calvinistarum, In doctrina de aeterna Dei Praedestinatione & Reprobatione: tum etiam in doctrina, de Viribus Hominis vario in statu considerati (Rostock 1640)


  • Paul Falkenberg: The professors at the University of Rostock from 1600 to 1900

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See the entry of Johannes Assuerus Ampzing's matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal