Johannes Hönig

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Johannes Hönig (born January 15, 1889 in Tschiefer, Freystadt i. Niederschles. , † 1954 ) was a German literary historian.


Hönig's parents came from the Zieder valley . The father was Augustinus Hönig, teacher and cantor at the church in Wahlstatt . Johannes Hönig attended the Catholic humanistic grammar school in Glogau . Easter 1908 he passed the Abitur examination. He studied German , classical philology and philosophy at the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University . The literary historian Max Koch recognized Hönig's inclination for history and recommended that he study Ferdinand Gregorovius . With a thesis on Rome's first German and first Protestant honorary citizen he was on 10 October 1913 Dr. phil. PhD. On July 18, 1914, he passed the examination for teaching at secondary schools, with German as a major and history and philosophical propaedeutics as minor subjects. He found his first job in 1914 at the Heilig-Geist-Gymnasium (Breslau) . On October 3rd of the same year he married Margarete Bode, a Protestant. The wedding was carried out according to the Catholic rite, the children were raised Catholic. Silesian poets such as Gerhart Hauptmann , Hermann Stehr , Carl Hauptmann , Paul Barsch and Paul Keller were of great importance for Hönig's intellectual and scientific orientation . His friends also included Max Herrmann-Neisse and Walter Meckauer . Hönig also valued Silesian dialect poets such as Hermann Bauch . Hönig belonged to a group of young Catholic theologians led by Joseph Wittig . The Heliand theologian Bernhard Strehler was also there .

He wrote theater reviews for the Schlesische Volkszeitung . For five years he taught as a Latin teacher and educator at the Electoral Orphanotropheum, the noble monastery for orphans at the Sand Church in Breslau . He was a bookkeeper at the university's German department. On March 4, 1916, he was drafted into the German Army . He lost an eye in the battle of the Somme . On December 31, he resigned from the German army . In the First World War three of five sons died. As a scientific assistant teacher, he taught at the secondary agricultural school in Liegnitz. From October 1, 1917, he taught at the school until it was closed at Easter 1942. After that, he taught at the Johanneum until 1945, the Herzog-Georg-Rudolf-Schule named after Georg Rudolf (Liegnitz) . He was elected to the Prussian state parliament in September 1930 for the German Center Party and the constituency of Liegnitz . He belonged to it until it was dissolved by the National Socialists in 1933. When Liegnitz was about to be captured by the Red Army after the Battle of Breslau , Hönig fled with his family to Grüssau . After the end of the war he returned to Liegnitz. From August 1945 to November 1946 he worked as an editor at the Deutsche Zeitung , which was published by the Soviets. On Pentecost Sunday 1946 he was the only German press reporter to take part in the funeral service for Gerhart Hauptmann in Agnetendorf . The son Eberhard Hönig (1929–2014) reports on the first post-war years in Liegnitz.


  • Ferdinand Gregorovius. The historian of the city of Rome. With letters to Cotta, Franz Rühl and others. With portrait . Berlin Stuttgart 1921.
  • Poetry and Weltanschauung . Habelschwerdt 1923.
  • Ferdinand Gregorovius. A biography . Cotta, Stuttgart 1943.

See also


  • Agnieszka Włodarszka: Johannes Hönig as the organizer of literary life in Liegnitz in the first half of the 20th century . Diss. Univ. Wroclaw 2009.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: Ferdinand Gregorovius as a poet .
  2. Colonel Sokolow with the Hauptmann couple
  3. Eberhard Hönig, Lothar Hyss, Wolfgang Meissler: Liegnitz 1945–1947 . ISBN 9783980189477 .