Johannes Hornschuch

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Johannes Hornschuch (born December 12, 1599 in Themar , † September 4, 1663 in Leipzig ) was a German philologist and educator .


The son of the wine master Johann Hornschuh and his wife Catharina, the daughter of the Vogts of the Veßra Monastery Johann Abesser, had attended the school in his hometown and in 1614 the country school in Schleusingen . In 1621 he moved to the University of Leipzig , where Conrad Bavarus (1562–1643) and Andreas Corvinus were his teachers. On July 12, 1623 he received his bachelor's degree and on January 27, 1625, he became a master of philosophy.

He then held private lectures, in 1628 he was admitted to the philosophy faculty and on December 6, 1628 professor of the Hebrew language . In 1632 he took over the professorship of dialectics , in 1638 became rector of the Leipzig council school St. Nicolai and in 1643 was professor of the Greek language at the Leipzig university. Hornschuh also took part in the organizational tasks of the Leipzig University. From 1632 he was dean of the philosophical faculty five times and prorector of the alma mater three times.

Hornschuh was married twice. His first marriage was on June 18, 1639 in Leipzig with Maria Helena († January 2, 1659 in Leipzig), the daughter of the Halle-based Pfänner Caspar Ludwiger. He concluded his second marriage on July 2, 1660 with Maria Elisabeth, the daughter of the Leipzig councilor and city judge Georg Eichhorn. His marriages were childless. His widow married the archdeacon of the Nikolaikirche in Leipzig on September 9, 1664, Jeremias Weber (1600–1643).


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