Johannes Jacobus Rau

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Johannes Jacobus Rau

Johannes Jacobus Rau also: Joannes Jakob Rouw, Jean Jacques Ravius ; (* 1668 in Baden-Baden ; † September 18, 1719 in Leiden ) was a German medic.


The son of the wine merchant Johann Rau and his wife Magdalena Müller, was trained as a surgeon in Strasbourg at the age of fourteen . He stayed there for three years. After a trip through Germany he came to the surgeon Trauen (Frauen, Fraven) via Hamburg to Bergen in Norway . Soon he left the country and went to Amsterdam , where he worked as a doctor on some warships under Count von Bentheim and Vice-Admiral Schey. On a trip to England he accompanied Prince William of Orange , among others . On his return he devoted himself to studies in medicine and surgery in Leiden and Paris.

In Paris he attended lectures by Joseph-Guichard Du Verney , Jean Méry (1645–1722) and Jean-Louis Petit . In Leiden he enrolled on March 23, 1694 in the matriculation of the university. On May 11 of the same year he defended under Charles Drelincourt the Elder. J. the treatise de ortu et regeneratione dentium and was awarded a doctorate in medicine. He then worked as a doctor in Amsterdam, where he took part in teaching anatomy and medicine and performed operations at the city hospital, and in 1696, after the departure of Jacques de Baulieu (also: Frere Jaques, 1651–1714), at the Theatrum anatomicum.

In Amsterdam he worked with Frederik Ruysch and gained an excellent reputation as an expert in stone diseases, whose surgical method of incision of the side stone he further developed. This prompted the curators of the University of Leiden to offer Rau a lecturer position for his anatomical demonstrations on November 25, 1705. On July 31, 1713 he was appointed professor of medicine specializing in surgery and anatomy and took office on September 26, 1713 with the speech Oratio de methodo Anatomen docendi et discendi .

In the field of anatomy, Rau gained recognition through the description of the composition of the scrotum, the lower jaw, the functioning of the hammer in the ear and through his studies of the structure of the eye. In Leiden he also took part in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1718/19 .

After falling victim to depression, he was dismissed from his professorship on June 29, 1719 because of an advanced illness and died shortly afterwards.


  • Epistola de inventoribus septi scroti ad F.Ruyschium. Amsterdam 1699, 1719 ( online ), 1721,
  • Responsio ad defensionem F. Ruyschii pro septo scroti. Leiden, 1700 ( online ), 1713; Amsterdam 1721,
  • Oratio de methodo anatomen docendi et discendi. Leiden 1713 ( online )
  • Observ. Chir. De calculo renum vesicae, urethrae, lithotomia. In quibus Lithotomiae methodum JJ Rau. Leiden 1731, edited by J. Denys, Leyd. Ordin. Chir. Lithotom. obstreticandi artem exercens et coram obstreticibus praelegens
  • Fabulae mytologicae. edited by D. Valentini,
  • Amphitheatrum Zoolimicum. edited by D. Valentini,


  • Rau, Joh. Jacob. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 30, Leipzig 1741, column 1043.
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : General Scholar Lexicon, Darinne the scholars of all classes, both male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world to the present day, and made themselves known to the learned world, After their birth, life, remarkable stories, Withdrawals and writings from the most credible scribes are described in alphabetical order. Verlag Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, Leipzig, 1751, Vol. 3, Sp. 1923
  • CE Daniëls: Johannes Jacobus Rau. In: August Hirsch , Ernst Julius Gurlt : Biographical lexicon of outstanding doctors of all times and peoples. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna and Leipzig, 1886, (BÄL), Vol. 4, p. 674
  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Verlag JJ van Brederode, Haarlem, 1874, vol. 16, p. 90 ( online , Dutch)
  • Maandelyke Uittreksels, of Boekzaal der Geleerde werelt. Gerard onder de Linden, Amsterdam, 1725, 21st part, p. 528 f. ( Online )
  • Sauveur François Morand : De la Taille de Rau . In: Opuscules de chirurgie . Guillaume Desprez, Paris, 1768, 1st part, pp. 94–112 ( online , French)