Johannes Papalekas

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Johannes Papalekas (born January 2, 1924 in Athens , † January 25, 1996 in Bochum ) was a Greek - German sociologist and founding professor at the Ruhr University in Bochum .


Papalekas graduated from the German school in occupied Athens in 1942 and then studied political science at the University of Vienna , the University of Greifswald and the University of Innsbruck . All of these universities had been brought into line by the National Socialist system . In Innsbruck he received his doctorate in 1946 with a dissertation on the problem of the political mass parties . Also in Innsbruck he completed his habilitation in 1953 with the text Dialectical Materialism and Understanding Sociology . In 1955 he went to the social research center of the University of Münster in Dortmund as a department head , where he dealt with issues of urban sociology and ecology . In 1956 he received his habilitation from the political sciences to sociology and in 1958 an adjunct professor at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster . Since 1963 Papalekas was the first sociology professor at the newly founded Ruhr University Bochum. He turned down offers to Athens and Innsbruck and taught in Bochum until his retirement in 1989.

Papalekas was ideologically in the tradition of the Leipzig School around Hans Freyer and the Conservative Revolution , which he defended in a challenging and sharp manner. At the sociological faculty in Bochum there were protests by the student movement . The call to the University of Athens at the time of the Greek military dictatorship (1970) again led to massive student protests.


  • Rainer Mackensen , Johannes Chr. Papalekas, Elisabeth Pfeil , Wolfgang Schütte, Lucius Burckhardt : Forms of existence in the big city. Typical forms of social existence in the city center, suburbs and belts of the industrial city. Mohr-Verlag, Tübingen 1959.
  • Hans Freyer, Johannes Chr. Papalekas, Georg Weippert (Hrsg.): Technology in the technical age. Statements on the historical situation. Schilling, 1965.
  • Underexposed Aspects of the Cyprus Conflict. 1976, ISBN 3-87547-170-9 .
  • The Cyprus question. Problems and perspectives of a permanent conflict. Peter Lang Verlag, 1987, ISBN 3-8204-1045-7 .
  • Structural change in the foreigner problem. Trends - models - perspectives. 1986, ISBN 3-88339-529-3 .


  • Eckart Pankoke (ed.): Institution and technical civilization. Symposium on the 65th birthday of Johannes Chr. Papalekas in Bochum 1989. (= Sociological writings. Volume 52). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-428-07035-6 .

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