Johannes Schlitpacher

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Johannes Schlitpacher (born July 4, 1403 in Schongau am Lech , † October 24, 1482 in Melk ) was a Benedictine in the Austrian Melk Abbey and a monk theologian, one of the outstanding literary representatives of the Melk reform .


After the death of his parents, Johann Schlitpacher came to live with relatives in Weilheim in 1413. From 1421 he attended secondary school in Ulm and from 1424 the university in Vienna . In 1434 he came to the Melk monastery school as a teacher (Magister) for scholars . In 1435 he decided to enter the monastery, and after a successful novitiate he made his solemn profession on April 19, 1436 in Melk .

The rest of his life was entirely dedicated to the implementation and dissemination of the renewal of monastic life that had begun in Melk ( Melker Reform ). In 1441 Schlitpacher was entrusted with the reform of the Sankt Ulrich und Afra monastery in Augsburg. With the same order in 1442 Friedrich III appointed him . in the Ettal monastery and in 1446 he reformed the Kleinmariazell Abbey . In 1451 he was appointed a visitor to the monasteries in the ecclesiastical province of Salzburg . From 1468 to 1472 he held the office of prior in the Benedictine abbeys of Vornbach , Göttweig , Ettal and Ebersberg .

Together with Petrus von Rosenheim and Bernhard von Waging , Johannes Schlitpacher was one of the main representatives of the Melker Reform. His work played a decisive role in opening the Austrian and South German monasteries to the thinking of the Italian humanism of the time.


The manuscripts of the unprinted works by Johannes Schlitpacher are kept in Melk Abbey and in the Bavarian State Library in Munich (the following list of Schlitpacher's writings after Kobolt ).

  • Excerptum super libro IV. Sententiarum ex lectura egregii sacrae paginae Doctoris M. Nicolai de Dinckelspühl.
  • Glossa textualis super librum Psalmorum et expositio titulorum, qui solent psalmis praeferri, quod etiam Claviger psalterii nuncupatur.
  • Materials psalmorum de continentia cujuslibet psalmi.
  • Summarium, de continentia Bibliae.
  • Gemma Bibliae. Biblia metrica.
  • Opus metricum super IV. Lib. Sententiarum.
  • Opus metricum super Biblia sub themate Colligite fragmenta, quod Fragmentum Bibliae nuncupavit.
  • Memoriale metricum super regula Beati Benedicti, et alterum brevius super hac regula secundum modum in Gemma Bibliae textum.
  • Memorialia metrica de vita S. Benedicti.
  • Compendium humanae salutis.
  • Tractatus brevis de felicitate Beatorum.
  • Tractatus de ascensionibus Cordis.
  • Glossa super mysticam theologiam S. Dionysii ex commentis Domini Lincolniensis et Vercellensis collecta.
  • Consolatorium viatoris ex Summa Gallensi et exempla quaedam brevia de vita SS.Patrum antiquorum.
  • De numero Schismatum, quae Ecclesiam lacerarunt from an. 342 usque ad an. 1439.
  • Tractatuli ex libris Ven. Richardi de S. Victore, de SS. Trinitate et contemplatione majori.
  • Brevis Glossa extualis super regula S. Augustini.
  • Formula metrica vitae Chrisianae.
  • Tractatulus metricus de quantitate syllabarum cum commento et de figuris generalibus ex Doctrinali textus.
  • Tractatulus de praeparatione ad Missam.
  • Quaestio de Esu carnium monachis S. Benedicti concesso.
  • Tres tractatuli de charitate, humilitate, et hospitalitate.
  • Excerpta super novem libros Reductorii moralis M. Petri Berchorii de Pictavia.
  • Tractatulus reprehensivus cujusdam Scripti a Carthusiano contra regulam S. Francisci et Fratres minores facti.


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