John of Vacano

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Johannes von Vacano (born March 26, 1926 in Cologne ; † November 12, 2006 ) was a German diplomat .


Johannes von Vacano came from the marriage of the district court president in Bochum, Franz Johannes von Vacano (1876–1947), and Margarethe, b. Baroness von Feilitzsch (1885–).

He studied law at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen and then attended the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer in Speyer . He entered the diplomatic service of the Foreign Ministry and was after foreign missions in Baghdad , Moscow , Madrid and Rome from 1973 to 15 February 1979 Envoy and representatives of the ambassador in Buenos Aires , Argentina .

In 1979 he became ambassador in La Paz in Bolivia and in 1982 in Nairobi for Kenya as well as the Seychelles and Somalia as well as permanent representative of UNEP and HABITAT . After serving as ambassador to Lima in Peru , he retired in 1991.



  • Walter Habel: Who is who ?: The German Who's Who, Volume 36 , Schmidt-Römhild 1997, p. 1476
predecessor Office successor
Karl Alexander Hampe German ambassador in La Paz (Bolivia)
Hermann Saumweber
Alfred G. Kühn German ambassador in Nairobi (Kenya)
Jürgen Diesel
Hans-Joachim Hille German ambassador in Lima (Peru)
Franz von Mentzingen