John Preininger

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Johann "John" Preininger (born May 5, 1947 in Graz ; † September 25, 2002 in St. Anna am Aigen ) was an Austrian philologist, archaeologist and musician who was best known as a drummer and writer .

Live and act

Preiniger first studied classical philology and archeology at the University of Graz ; In addition to this study, which he completed in 1972 with a doctorate on the "Argonautika" of Apollonios Rhodios , he studied classical percussion with Josef Landenhammer and jazz drums with Manfred Josel and from 1972 ensemble playing with Adelhard Roidinger at the Graz Academy of Music from autumn 1965 . Together with Dieter Glawischnig and Ewald Oberleitner , he founded the free jazz trio Neighbors in 1974 , which performed with international guest soloists such as Fred Anderson , Anthony Braxton , Paul Bley , Karl Berger , Roscoe Mitchell , John Surman and Dino Saluzzi . He also played in the Improvisation Group of Eje Thelin , in the Hans Koller Free Sound ensemble and the quartet of Tone Janša , with whom he toured in Yugoslavia. He was employed at the Department of Prehistory and Early History at the Joanneum Graz . During this time he performed with Albert Mangelsdorff , Lester Bowie , Manfred Schoof , Joachim Kühn , Harry Pepl , Vinko Globokar , Radu Malfatti , Aldo Romano , Sainko Namchylak and Christian Muthspiel . Most recently he played mainly in a duo with guitarist Armin Pokorn as a pitches crew . He also performed as a soloist and organized workshops on energy resonance with gongs . At the same time he emerged as a writer (diaries, poems, essays, experimental texts) and in the field of philosophical mathematics. He published in Austrian literary magazines and received a recognition award at the Peter Rosegger literary competition.


  • Soul labyrinths (à la recherche de l'amour perdu). with an accompaniment by Markus Janoschka. Little art book two 1999.
  • The future is a blank book. Metamorphoses of a love . Klanghaus light house 55 edit / on, 2000.

Discographic notes

  • Neighbors Live , 1975
  • Great Neighbors Music , 1979
  • Nadir (solo) 1979
  • Group 01: A live recorded interactive computer music performance. Steirischer Herbst 1996, Graz (with Werner Jauk and Stefan Stastny)

Lexical entries

Web links