Jordan Basedow

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Jordan Basedow (* around 1485 in Lübeck ; † February 28, 1555 ibid) was a German canon and councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


Jordan Basedow came from the Lübeck branch of the Basedow family and was a son of Councilor Dietrich Basedow from his second marriage to Telseke Pleskow . Heinrich II. Basedow , Bishop of Courland from 1501 to 1525 , was his much older half-brother.

Jordan Basedow, like his brother Christoph, had been appointed a clergyman. From 1501 he studied at the University of Rostock and was here 1505/06 Bakkalar and on February 15, 1508 Magister .

From 1513 he studied law at the Old University of Cologne . He then went to Rome and from 1517 to 1524 belonged to Cardinal Giovanni Piccolomini's entourage . Thomas Giese from Lübeck acted as his temporary procurator in Rome. Probably from 1515 he was the owner of a canonical office at Lübeck Cathedral and until 1527 also a prebender in Dorpat . In 1531 he received a large prebend at Lübeck Cathedral.

From 1528 he belonged to the circle society , from 1532 as a full member. He was initially a member of the 64 committee that carried out the Reformation in Lübeck in 1530/31 . After the count's feud ended and the committee resigned, he was elected to the Lübeck Council on September 21, 1535 , with which he resigned from the cathedral chapter . He was the only canon who left the chapter immediately in the course of the Reformation. As Lübeck councilor he was one of the heads of the Petrikirche . Around 1540, after Lübeck had become Protestant, he was the patron of a vicarie at the Marienkirche , where his brother Christoph sat.

In 1552 he received from Emperor Charles V the status of a nobleman as well as an improvement in the coat of arms and the accolade .

From autumn 1535 he was married to Almod, daughter of the Lübeck citizen Hartwig Hogefeld; he had previously had an illegitimate son, Georg Basedow. Basedow owned several houses in the city, after leaving the cathedral chapter he first lived in the house at Königstrasse 28, from 1548 at Königstrasse 23. His widow sold the village of Röbel in 1567 together with some relatives .


  • Rudolf Struck : On the knowledge of families in Lübeck and their relationships to local and foreign art monuments in: Museum for Art and Cultural History in Lübeck. Yearbook 1914 • 1915 (Volume II. – III.), HG Rahtgens, Lübeck 1915, p. 41–73 (p. 54 ff.)
  • Emil Ferdinand Fehling : Lübeckische Ratslinie , Lübeck 1925, No. 644
  • Wolfgang Prange : The change in the creed in the Lübeck cathedral chapter: 1530–1600. Lübeck: Schmidt-Römhild 2007 (publications on the history of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck: Series B; Vol. 44) ISBN 978-3-7950-0484-2 . esp.p. 127f (No. 34)
  • Thomas Giese from Lübeck and his Roman notebook from 1507 to 1526 . Edited by Christiane Schuchard and Knut Schulz. Lübeck 2003, pp. 16-18

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  3. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  4. Prange (Lit.), p. 20
  5. evidenced by several regests e.g. B. Holdings: 07.1-2 / 02 - St. Petri (Sacra A 2) in the Lübeck city archive
  6. Max Hasse: The Marienkirche in Lübeck . 1983; P. 173.
  7. History of building and architecture, urban development in Lübeck AK.10 Königstr. 22–59 (pdf accessed on October 6, 2013; 231 kB)
  8. Holdings: 07.1-3 / 18 - Holstein (Holsatica) 432 in the Lübeck City Archives