José Moreira Bastos Neto

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José Moreira Bastos Neto (born January 25, 1953 in Simonésia , † April 26, 2014 in Três Lagoas ) was a Brazilian clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Três Lagoas .


José Moreira Bastos Neto first studied history at the FAFIC in Caratinga and then entered the seminary in Caratinga, where he studied philosophy and theology. He received on October 28 in 1979 by the Bishop of Caratinga , Hélio Gonçalves Heleno , the ordination . He was active in various parishes, there especially in youth work and in the Comunidades Eclesiais de Base (CEB). From 1998 to 2005 he was rector of the seminary of the Caratinga diocese .

Pope Benedict XVI appointed him bishop of Três Lagoas on January 7, 2009 . The Bishop of Caratinga, Hélio Gonçalves Heleno, donated him episcopal ordination on April 19, 2009 ; Co- consecrators were Paulo Mendes Peixoto , Bishop of São José do Rio Preto , and Odilon Guimarães Moreira , Bishop of Itabira-Fabriciano . As a motto he chose Ponens in Ministerio (Eng. He took me into his service. ). The inauguration in the Diocese of Três Lagoas took place on May 3rd of the same year.

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predecessor Office successor
Izidoro Kosiński CM Bishop of Três Lagoas
Luiz Gonçalves Knupp