Josef Arbesser from Rastburg

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Josef Arbesser von Rastburg (born December 14, 1850 in Judenburg in Styria , † February 20, 1928 in Graz ) was an Austrian landscape and architecture painter .


Josef Rudolf Alexander Arbesser, Knight of Rastburg, was born on December 14, 1850 in Judenburg, Styria, as the son of Karl Borromäus von Arbesser, kk district commissioner, and Clara, a native of Sessler. In addition to Josef as the second born, this marriage had five brothers: Karl (* 1848), Maximilian (* 1851), Rudolf (* 1854), Wilhelm (* 1860), Caesar (* 1865) and sister Anna (1856–1900). After attending the Academic Gymnasium in Graz, Josef Arbesser von Rastburg took lessons from Hermann von Königsbrunn at the Landscape Drawing Academy in Graz. From 1868 to 1871 he continued his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna . In Munich he was a private student of the court painter Julius Lange . He received further training in Heidelberg and Düsseldorf , where he worked in the studio of the painter Robert Meyerheim (1847–1920). In 1875 he took a trip to South Tyrol . Painting, mainly architecture and vedute painting , now became his main occupation. At his mother's request, he interrupted his artistic career and completed an officer training course in Graz. In 1878 he took part in the Bosnian campaign as a reserve lieutenant. Back in Munich he worked for the painter Georg Dehn (* 1843). Now he has traveled to Venice several times, often for longer stays. Artists such as Adolf Böhm (1861–1927), Luigi Ludwig Johann Passini (1832–1903), Eugen von Blaas ( Eugene de Blaas ) (1843–1931), Cherobino Kirchmeier, the Guggenheim and Wolf-Ferrari families as well as Richard Wagner belonged here his closer circle of friends. On January 23, 1883, he married Helene Streintz. In 1884 the daughter Maria Assunta († 1971), an important painter, daughter Elsa in 1885 and son Leo in 1887 were born. Josef von Arbesser exhibited his works repeatedly, for example in 1884, 1885 and 1892 in the Künstlerhaus Vienna and in the Steiermärkischer Kunstverein in Graz . He was a member of the Styrian Association of Visual Artists . Josef Arbesser von Rastburg died on February 20, 1928 in Graz and was buried at the St. Peter city cemetery there.


  • Heinrich Fuchs, The Austrian Painters of the 19th Century , Supplement 1, Vienna 1978 K 21.
  • Gerhard M. Dienes, Peter Peer (ed.), Pictures of Memory, The architecture and landscape painter Josef von Arbesser 1850-1928 , City Museum Graz, 2002, ISBN 3-900764-27-1