Joseph Lenz

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Joseph Lenz (born August 28, 1889 in Hildesheim , † July 23, 1969 in Berlin ) was a German politician ( SPD ).


Joseph Lenz attended the Josephinum Hildesheim grammar school and also passed the second teacher examination in Hildesheim in 1912. After his military service, he became a teacher in Frankfurt am Main in 1913 . After the First World War , he was appointed city councilor for the German Center Party in Frankfurt in 1919, and the following year he became city inspector for gymnastics and sports. In 1925 Lenz became director of the municipal office for physical exercise in Magdeburg , where he was also the head of the adult education center . In 1929 he switched to the SPD. After the “ seizure of power ” by the National Socialists , he was dismissed in 1933 by the “ Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service ” and from 1938 worked in a travel agency.

After the Second World War , Lenz became head of department at the German Central Administration for Health Care in the Soviet Occupation Zone (SBZ). After the Berlin election in 1948 he was elected to the district council for popular education in the Wedding district. In the following election in 1950 he was also elected to the Berlin House of Representatives. Because of his work as a district councilor, Lenz left parliament in February 1955, and Max Urich was his successor . Lenz retired in 1959 .

The school camp in the Wedding Josef Lenz district on Clayallee , which opened in 1948 and closed in 1998, bore his name.


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Individual evidence

  1. Uta Grüttner: The "Josef Lenz" school camp in Grunewald is threatened with extinction. District parents' committee starts a rescue operation: first renovated and then closed. Berliner Zeitung , January 7, 1997, accessed October 19, 2016 .