Joseph Zocchi of Morecci

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Joseph Zocchi of Morecci

Joseph Zocchi von Morecci (born July 25, 1787 in Prague , † January 3, 1880 in Bockenheim near Frankfurt am Main ) was a noble Austrian major general .


He was the son of the Austrian lieutenant colonel Alois Zocchi von Morecci (1753-1818), who was originally from Florence and who was ennobled by Emperor Franz II in 1810 , who was originally called Alois Zocchi.


Joseph Zocchi von Morecci took up his father's military profession and served as an officer in the Austrian sapper corps from 1805 to 1813 ; u. a. he fought in October 1813 at Tarvisio in Italy. In 1814 he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Leopold for bravery and in 1815 he was promoted to captain .

From 1818 to 1823 Zocchi von Morecci was a member of the building commissions in the federal fortresses of Germersheim and Landau . From 1823 to 1825 he was an Austrian member of the Federal Military Commission in Frankfurt am Main , in 1827 he worked in the building commission for Luxembourg Fortress and from 1827 to 1830 in the Mainz fortress building department . From 1830 to 1848 the officer was again a member of the Federal Military Commission in Frankfurt, including the last two years as Austria's deputy authorized representative. In 1838 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and in 1844 to colonel . In 1848 Joseph Zocchi von Morecci went to Lombardy as fortress construction director and was retired in the same year. In 1849 he was reactivated again as the fortress commander of Alto-Gradisca , and in that year he finally retired with the rank of major general.

After his retirement, the nobleman lived in Frankfurt or in nearby Bockenheim . According to the Frankfurt address book from 1868/69, he was registered at Guiollettstraße 19 , in what is now the Westend district. On November 7, 1860, Emperor Franz Joseph elevated him to the Austrian knighthood. He was also Knight of the Papal Order of Christ , the Order of the Iron Crown , the Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown and the Sicilian Order of St. Ferdinand and of Merit .

In 1863 the nobility title Zocchi von Morecci passed to his nephew and adopted son, the cavalry officer Karl Wimmer († 1864) or his descendants.

According to Prelate Dr. Norbert Weis , postulator of the cause of beatification of the priest Paul Josef Nardini , resulting from the related records that Joseph Zocchi of Morecci most likely the father of wedlock in Germersheim born Blessed is.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Letter of nobility in the Baden-Württemberg State Archives  in the German Digital Library
  2. Relation of the war events in 1813 , Kk Hof- und Staats-Druckerei, Vienna, 1813, p. 35; (Digital scan)
  3. ^ Website of the battle at Tarvisio 1813
  4. Constantin von Wurzbach : Zocchi de Morecci, Joseph . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 60th part. Imperial and Royal Court and State Printing Office, Vienna 1891, p. 223 ( digital copy ).
  5. ^ Website of the Frankfurt address book 1868/69
  6. Imperial and Royal Military Schematism , Vienna 1839, p. 385 u. 521; (Detail scans)
  7. H. v. Stratowa: Wiener genealogisches Taschenbuch , 1931, S. 141 and 144; (Detail scans)
  8. ^ Johann Friedrich von Cotta: Allgemeine Zeitung Munich , October 8, 1863, supplement to No. 281, p. 4663 of the year; (Digital scan)
  9. Schematism for the Imperial and Royal Army , Vienna, 1864, p. 305 u. 328; (Digital scans)
  10. Personal communication from Dr. Norbert Weis to the author, 2014