Jozef Haľko

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Jozef Haľko
coat of arms

Jozef Haľko (born May 10, 1964 in Bratislava ) is auxiliary bishop in Bratislava .


Haľko was born in Bratislava on May 10, 1964. On his mother's side, he came from a long-established Pressburg family. His paternal grandfather was Jozef Haľko the Elder. Ä. who was the first Greek Catholic priest in Bratislava.

After attending high school in his hometown, studied at the University of Economics (Vysoká škola ekonomická) in Bratislava. Then he wanted to study theology , but was not allowed to study (it was the time of the "people 's democracy " in what was then Czechoslovakia ). Therefore he found a job as a worker with the municipal waterworks. Only after the political change and the " Velvet Revolution " was he able to start studying theology in 1990, which he completed at the Pontifical Santa Croce University in Rome .

Halko received on 4 July 1994 by the later archbishop of Trnava Jan Sokol , the ordination . Since October 1997 he has been appointed chaplain at the Cathedral of St. Martin in Bratislava. Pastorally he looked after the Hungarian Catholics living in the city. In the Blumenthaler church he regularly celebrated holy masses in the Hungarian language . In 2000 he submitted his dissertation on church history and was awarded a doctorate in theology.

Haľko was also active as a historian of his hometown. In 2009 and 2010 he worked as the coordinator of a commission that dealt with the exploration of the underground of St. Martin's Cathedral in Bratislava. When examining the individual bishops' graves, he was able to clearly identify the grave of Archbishop Péter Pázmany . Based on the results of these studies, the then President of the Slovak Republic , Ivan Gašparovič , appointed him Professor of Catholic Theology at Comenius University on November 16, 2013 .

Pope Benedict XVI appointed him on January 31, 2012 auxiliary bishop in Bratislava and titular bishop of Serra .

The Archbishop of Bratislava, Stanislav Zvolenský , donated him episcopal ordination on March 17th of the same year ; Co-consecrators were Jozef Cardinal Tomko , Cardinal Emeritus Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and President of the Pontifical Committee for World Eucharistic Congresses , and Mario Giordana , Apostolic Nuncio in Slovakia. As a motto he chose Resurrexit .

Haľko's literary work (selection)

  • Jozef Haľko: Dejiny lurdskej jaskyne na Hlbokej ceste v Bratislave, (Slovak; German: "The history of the Lourdes cave on the Deep Way in Bratislava"), LÚČ, Bratislava 2005, ISBN 80-7114-510-6 (Slovak, but also published in Hungarian translation)
  • Jozef Haľko: Modrý kostol: Dejiny Kostola sv. Alžbety v Bratislave, ( Eng . "The History of the Blue Church in Bratislava") LÚČ, Bratislava 2006, ISBN 80-7114-590-4 (Slovak)
  • Jozef Haľko, Št. Komorný: Dóm - Katedrála sv. Martina v Bratislave , (Slovak; German: "Dom-The Cathedral of St. Martin in Bratislava), LÚČ, Bratislava, 2010, ISBN 978-80-7114-805-0


  • Anton Klipp: Monsignore Jozef Haľko in Carpathian Yearbook 2013, vol. 64, pp. 186–187, Stuttgart 2012, ISBN 978-80-89264-73-5 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jozef Haľko the Elder (born January 24, 1904 in Hazleton , Pennsylvania , † May 9, 1987 in Bratislava) was ordained a priest in 1928 by Bishop Gojdič . From 1934 he worked as a Greek Catholic priest in Bratislava. In 1950 he was persecuted by the communists and expelled from the country. After 1968 he participated in the re-establishment of the Greek Catholic Church in Slovakia.
  2. The priest Ferdinand Knauz already suspected during the regothization work of the cathedral that the discovery of the grave on September 12, 1859 was the grave of Peter Pázmany. However, the final proof was only provided by Jozef Haľko.