Julius Yeshu Çiçek

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Mor Julius Yeshu Çiçek (right) 1985 on the 70th birthday of Kurt Aland

Mor Julius Yeshu (Isa) Çiçek (born March 25, 1942 in Kafro 'Elayto in Tur Abdin (southeastern Turkey); † October 29, 2005 in Düsseldorf ) was the first metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox diocese of Central Europe and the Benelux countries .


Yeshu Çiçek was the son of the Syrian Orthodox priest Barsaumo (1908-1993) and his wife Sayde († 1991). At the age of nine he went to the seminary of Deyr-ul-Za'faran , where he studied Syriac, Turkish, Arabic and theology. After he was ordained a deacon in 1958 , he was secretary to the later Metropolitan Mor Philoxenos Hanna Dolabani . He later entered the Mor Cyriacus monastery in the Bsheriye (Bitlis) region and was involved in the search for surviving Syrian and Armenian Christians after the 1915 genocide .

In 1960 he became a novice in the Mor Gabriel monastery and taught at the theological seminary there. When Abbot Şabo Güneş died in 1962, Yeshu Çiçek was elected abbot and ordained a priest in 1969 by Mor Iwannis Ephrem Bilgic , Bishop of Tur Abdin. After stays in Damascus, at the seminary of Mor Ephrem an Atshane in Lebanon and in the Holy Land, he came to Germany, where he took over the pastoral care of the Syrian Christians in the diaspora . After a stopover from 1975 to 1977 in the United States, on the advice of the Metropolitan Mor Athanasius Yeshu Samuel, he returned to Europe, namely to Hengelo . In 1977 the Holy Synod elected him Patriarchal Vicar for the new diocese of Central and Eastern Europe. He built a hall for a new Syrian Orthodox Church of St. John the Evangelist, which was later replaced by the patriarch Mor Ignatius Jacob III. was consecrated. In 1978 Çiçek began publishing the new news magazine for the Syrian Orthodox Diocese for Central Europe, Kolo Suryoyo .

On June 24, 1979 Dayroyo Yeshu Çiçek in Hengelo was elected Archbishop of the Syrian Orthodox Diocese for Central Europe by Patriarch Jacob III. consecrated , with the name Mor Julius. In 1984 Mor Julius acquired the former Catholic monastery of St. Ephrem in Losser , the Netherlands, and made it the seat of the archbishop. The church had three large monasteries: near Enschede in the Netherlands, in Arth in Switzerland and in Warburg in Germany. In monasteries founded by Çiçek, he established schools that train clergy in the tradition of their church.

Mor Julius published important scientific articles for the church in Bar-Hebraeus-Verlag, which published over 100 books in connection with the Syrian Orthodox liturgy, Bible, history, etc. in Syrian and in European languages.

Mor Julius participated in ecumenical dialogues with the Catholic Church in the Pro Oriente and accompanied Patriarch Ignatius Zakka I. Iwas during his historic visit to Rome in 1984, during which a joint declaration was signed with Pope John Paul II .

Bishop Çiçek was buried on November 5, 2005 in his diocesan seat in the monastery of St. Ephraem the Syrians in Losser-Glane (Netherlands).


Web links

Commons : Julius Yeshu Çiçek  - Collection of Images