Kai-Olaf Stehrenberg

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Kai-Olaf Stehrenberg (* 1980 in Marburg ) is a German songwriter and guitarist . He himself describes his genre as an "independent hit with heart and humor"; his music label advertises it as “self-deprecating jokes and longing ballads”.


He first grew up in the small town of Biedenkopf in central Hesse , but moved to Hildesheim with his family in 1987 . During childhood and adolescence he excelled in several artistic school productions. Among other things, Stehrenberg was already a member of the school choir in elementary school. When the school was working with Rolf Zuckowski on a project , the latter chose him for a solo vocal part in his arrangement of the bird wedding . In retrospect, Stehrenberg describes these two performances in the Braunschweig Stadthalle as the initial spark for his further career. After graduating from the Scharnhorst Grammar School in Hildesheim in 2001 , he moved to Peine and completed an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk.

In the same year he presented himself in the Morningstar segment of Sat.1 breakfast television and survived the three minutes with Sasha's Owner of my heart in which viewers could have voted him out. He took part unsuccessfully in a small talent competition in Hanover for five years in a row , before he could gain a foothold in the songwriting scene. At first he played several times with the bass player Simon Nordmann ; the duo was called "Simon & Kai Funkel" (an allusion to Simon & Garfunkel ). In 2005 Stehrenberg wrote the song Im Arm eines Engels - the German-language version of the Angel originally sung by Sarah McLachlan - for Nino de Angelo and in November 2009 he appeared as part of the TV final show of the NDR Comedy Contest in the traditional Hamburg music club Knust . Between 2009 and 2014 Stehrenberg won numerous song slams nationwide; He is also a co-initiator of both the Hildesheim Singer-Songwriter Night and the Singer-Songwriter Festivals in Alfeld and Kamp-Lintfort . His first album was released in September 2013 by the Timezone music label . For example, he performed on November 11, 2015 in the lounge of Radio Leinehertz 106.5 and occasionally works as a sideman with other musicians; For example, he recorded background vocals for Joseph Myers' new album in February 2016 .

After a short break from 2015 on, Stehrenberg is back on stage again.


  • 2013: When I grow up ... live (album)

Individual evidence

  1. Facebook profile of the artist . Retrieved March 12, 2016.
  2. Information about Kai-Olaf Stehrenberg on the homepage of his music label Timezone Records . Retrieved from timezone-records.com on March 12, 2016.
  3. ^ Interview Kai-Olaf Stehrenbergs with Carsten Amelingmeyer . On July 14, 2015 as part of the talk series Thekentalk of the music label Timezone Records. Retrieved from soundcloud.com/timezonerecords on March 12, 2016.
  4. "Funny lovesick man" . On October 29, 2009 in the Peiner Allgemeine Zeitung . Retrieved from paz-online.de on March 12, 2016.
  5. Events archive. In: Kai Olaf. Accessed June 17, 2019 (German).