Kai Rabe against the Vatican killers

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Original title Kai Rabe against the Vatican killers
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1998
length 89 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Thomas Jahn
script Thomas Jahn
production Oliver Stoltz ,
Michael Souvignier ,
Thomas Jahn
music Tito Larriva
camera Piotr Lenar
cut Andrea Mertens

Kai Rabe gegen die Vatikankiller is a German comedy from the year 1998 , when Thomas Jahn Director led. The script was also written by Jahn.


The director Rufus Lindner is making his first own film: "The Vatican Killer". With the audience favorite Kai Rabe in the lead role, success is programmed. But suddenly chaos breaks out over the film team: a starlet is murdered, the bitchy leading actor turns more and more, a drunk policeman causes a lot of unrest, and the sex-obsessed producer Egon Lütter doesn't exactly make things any easier.


The lexicon of international films wrote that the film functions “neither as a genre parody nor as a satire on the cynical film business” . In addition, "[only] a few gags would ignite" . The actors in the film acted “mostly extremely exaggerated” .

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Individual evidence

  1. Kai Rabe against the Vatican killers. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film Service , accessed March 25, 2013 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used