Kaljo Põllu

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Kaljo Põllu (born November 28, 1934 in Kopa (Hiiumaa) , † March 23, 2010 in Tallinn ) was an Estonian artist , graphic artist and art professor.


Põllu attended the primary school in Puski and was from 1949 at the teachers' seminar (pedagogical school) in Haapsalu , which he graduated in 1953. After his military service (1953–1955) he studied from 1956 at the Tallinn State Art Academy . In 1962 he completed his studies as a glass artist . He was then from 1962 to 1975 head of the art gallery at the University of Tartu . In 1975 he went to Tallinn, where he was a lecturer and from 1988 professor at the Estonian Academy of Art.

Kaljo Põllu has been a member of the Estonian Art Association since 1965 .


In the 1960s, Kaljo Põllu, head of the art cabinet at Tartu University, was the central figure in communicating new, western art movements in Estonia. He was the head of the group Visarid ('The Dissatisfied'), which existed from 1967 to 1972, and brought among others Pop Art and Op Art , in the latter case strongly influenced by Victor Vasarely , to Estonia. Some art historians have therefore brought him closer to Roy Lichtenstein .

In the 1970s there was a reorientation towards the cultural and historical nature of the Estonians, which is generally seen in connection with the changed political conditions: After the crackdown on the Prague Spring in August 1968, the ideological reins were tightened again. Põllu therefore concentrated on the things that were possible, and since 1978 organized annual excursions with art students to remote areas of the Soviet Union. For example, he drew rock art in Karelia that was thousands of years old , which served as inspiration and template for his later mezzotint series. Numerous trips led to Finno-Ugric peoples in Siberia. Here he believed to be able to discover the roots of Estonian culture insofar as he “found the unity of man and nature, the everyday life of the ancestors and ritual activities, whereby the landscape appears as a sacred space, as a ritual holy place that is at the same time inseparable Is part of the living environment of prehistoric man. "


Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1963: Graphic work in the café of the University of Tartu
  • 1971: Graphic exhibition at the State Art Museum in Tartu
  • 1972: Ex-libris exhibition in Frederikshavn
  • 1973: Graphic exhibition in the Tallinn Art Salon
  • 1984: Mezzotint exhibition at Helsinki University Library
  • 1991: Oulu City Library
  • 1996: Painting exhibition of the Estonian National Library
  • 2002: Dublin , National Theater
  • 2006: Painting exhibition of the Estonian National Library


  • Kodalased . 13 reproduktsiooni. Text: Jaan Kaplinski . Tallinn: Art 1978. 21 sheets.
  • Kalivägi . 25 reproduktsiooni metsotintosarjast "Kalivägi" 1978–1984. Text: Jaan Kaplinski. Tallinn: Art 1988. 25 sheets.
  • Taevas yes maa . 25 reproduktsiooni metsotintosarjast / 25 prints of the mezzotint series. With poems by Hando Runnel . Tallinn: Olion 1994. 25 sheets.
  • Kirgastumine . 25 reproduktsiooni metsotintosarjast Kirgastumine / 25 prints of the mezzotint series Brightening 1991–1995. With poems by Hando Runnel. Tartu: Ilmamaa 2006. 25 sheets.
  • Barn av vind and vatn. Graphics: Kaljo Põllu, Text: Jaan Kaplinski. Övers .: Turid color regd. Stavanger 1984. 44 pp.
  • Tallinna Kunstiülikooli kümme soome-ugri uurimisreisi = Tallinn Art University's ten expeditions to the Finno-Ugrians. Koostanud yes commenterud Kaljo Põllu. Tallinn: Olion 1990. 175 pp.
  • Eesti Kunstiakadeemia kakskümmend soome-ugri uurimisreisi = Estonian Academy of Arts twenty expeditions to the Finno-Ugrians. Tallinn: Olion 1999. 223 pp.

Secondary literature

  • Toomas Raudam : Mina olen visarid. In: Vikerkaar . 7/1994, pp. 49-54.
  • Sirje helmets : Mida sa tee pärast orgiat? In: Vikerkaar. 7/1994, pp. 54-56.
  • Johannes Saar: Kaljo Põllu. In: Eesti kunstnikud / Artists of Estonia. s. l .: Sorose Kaasaegse Kunsti Eesti Keskus / Soros Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia 1998, pp. 172–181.
  • Elnara Taidre: Kaljo Põllu mütoloogilised Eesti maastikud, In: Sirp . July 25, 2013 (Estonian, sirp.ee ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kunsti ja arhitektuuri biograafiline leksikon. Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, Tallinn 1996, p. 405.
  2. Eesti kunsti ajalugu. History of Estonian Art. 6, II. 1940–1991. Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Tallinn 2016, pp. 38–42.
  3. ^ A b Johannes Saar: Kaljo Põllu. In: Eesti kunstnikud / Artists of Estonia. 1998, p. 173.
  4. Eesti kunsti ajalugu. History of Estonian Art. 6, II. 1940–1991. Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Tallinn 2016, p. 142.
  5. Elnara Taidre: Kaljo Põllu mütoloogilised Eesti maastikud. In: Sirp . July 25, 2013 (Estonian, sirp.ee ).