Sacrificed in cold blood

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German title Sacrificed in cold blood
Original title Precious Victims
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1993
length 95 minutes
Director Peter Levin
script Deborah Dalton
production Timothy Marx
music Mark Snow
camera Paul Maibaum
cut Skip Schoolnik

Sacrificed in Cold Blood (Original title: Precious Victims ) is an American drama from 1993 . Directed by Peter Levin , the screenplay was written by Deborah Dalton .


The plot is based on true events that took place in Illinois in the late 1980s . The couple Paula and Robert Sims report the kidnapping of their one-year-old daughter. The child is found murdered. Paula Sims' description seems implausible; she is charged, but the court acquits her.

Three years later, a second daughter of the couple, who was born in the meantime, is murdered. A witness testifies in court that Robert Sims was infatuated with the third child, a son, but indifferent to the daughter. Another witness says that Paula Sims and the daughter slept on a different floor of the house than father and son, but Paula was allowed to go back to the bedroom after the daughter's death. Paula Sims is convicted.


Film-Dienst wrote that the shown trial revealed "the tragic story of the accused" .

Cinema magazine described the film as a "sensitive chronicle of a family tragedy" . In court, "the whole tragedy" of the "botched life" of the protagonist is revealed .

The magazine TV direkt 15/2008 wrote that the script looked "wooden and bumpy" .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Sacrificed in cold blood in the Lexicon of International FilmsTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used , accessed on July 12, 2008
  2. a b TV direkt 15/2008, page 66
  3. ^ Cinema , accessed July 12, 2008