Cardinal Innitzer Prize for Social and Economic Sciences

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The Kardinal Innitzer Promotion Prize for Social and Economic Sciences is a science prize awarded by the Archdiocese of Vienna . The award is named after Cardinal Theodor Innitzer .

The Cardinal Innitzer Study Fund

The Kardinal-Innitzer-Förderungspreis for social and economic sciences is endowed by the Kardinal-Innitzer-Studienfonds , an institution for the promotion of science . Every year it awards prizes to outstanding young Austrian scientists in various scientific disciplines.

Scientific papers are eligible for the award if their scientific significance is equivalent to a habilitation thesis . Applicants should be Austrian citizens. The work of foreign citizens will be accepted if they work permanently in Austria at a scientific institution. The applications are assessed by the study fund, whereby external experts are also commissioned.

Award ceremony

The award ceremony is held by the Archbishop of Vienna, currently Cardinal Christoph Schönborn , at a festive award meeting in December of each calendar year.

Winner of the Kardinal Innitzer Prize for Social and Economic Sciences

  • 1971: Henrik Kreutz , social anthropologist and sociologist
  • 1972: Karl Acham , sociologist, philosopher and science historian; Johannes Gordesch, Univ.-Prof. for methodology at the Free University of Berlin
  • 1973: Leonhard Bauer , economist; Ewald Nowotny , economist
  • 1974: Klaus Zapotoczky, sociologist
  • 1975: no prize awarded
  • 1976: Karl Georg Winckler, Univ.-Prof. for monetary economics, macroeconomics, European integration at the University of Vienna
  • 1977: Dieter Schneider, Univ.-Prof. for Marketing and International Management at the University of Klagenfurt
  • 1978: Gertraude Mikl-Horke , sociologist
  • 1979: Josef Mugler, Univ.-Prof. for business administration in small and medium-sized enterprises at the Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • 1980: no prize awarded
  • 1981: Otto Andreas Altenbürger, Univ.-Prof. at the University of Regensburg
  • 1982: Reinhard Moser, Univ.-Prof. for business administration in foreign trade at the Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • 1983: no prize awarded
  • 1984: no prize awarded
  • 1985: Karl Aiginger , economic researcher; Christoph Badelt , economist
  • 1986: Walter Schiebl, Univ.-Prof. for Agricultural Economics at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna; Dieter Stiefel , economic historian
  • 1987: no prize awarded
  • 1988: no prize awarded
  • 1989: Michael Steiner, Univ.-Prof. for economics at the University of Graz
  • 1990: Karl Sandner, Univ.-Prof. for general business administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business; Rudolf Vetschera, Univ.-Prof. for international business administration at the University of Vienna; Alfred Wagenhofer , Univ.-Prof. for corporate management at the University of Graz
  • 1991: Anton Burger, Univ.-Prof. for business administration at the Kathol. University of Eichstätt; Claus Rinderer, University of Innsbruck, had an accident in 1991
  • 1992: no prize awarded
  • 1993: Norbert Kailer , economist; Theresia Theurl , economist
  • 1994: no prize awarded
  • 1995: Helmut Staubmann , sociologist
  • 1996: Michael Gehler , historian; Gerald Grimm, Univ.-Prof. at the Institute for Educational Science and Educational Research at the University of Klagenfurt
  • 1997: Herbert Pribyl , social scientist and theologian
  • 1998: no prize awarded
  • 1999: Charlotte Natmeßnig, economic historian at the Vienna University of Economics and Business; Stefan Vogel, agricultural sociologist and Univ.-Prof. at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  • 2000: no prize awarded
  • 2001: Herbert Reisinger, Univ.-Prof. at the Institute for Business Administration and Marketing at the University of Vienna
  • 2002: Artur Baldauf, Univ.-Prof. at the Faculty of Economics and Information at the University of Vienna; Andreas Resch, Univ.-Prof. at the Institute for Economic and Social History at the Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • 2003: Nikolaus Franke , business economist; Herbert Kotzab , logistics scientist
  • 2004: no prize awarded
  • 2005: no prize awarded
  • 2006: Sabine Kanduth-Kristen, Univ.-Prof. at the Institute for Financial Management at the University of Klagenfurt; Friedrich Pillichshammer, Univ.-Prof. at the Institute for Financial Mathematics at the University of Linz
  • 2007: Tatjana Fischer, Institute for Spatial Planning at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  • 2008: no prize awarded
  • 2009: no prize awarded
  • 2010: Carlos Watzka , sociologist and Univ.-Prof. at the Institute for Sociology of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz
  • 2011: no prize awarded
  • 2012: no prize awarded
  • 2013: no prize awarded
  • 2014: Georg Tafner, Priv.-Doz., Humboldt University Berlin
  • 2015: no prize awarded
  • 2016: no prize awarded
  • 2017: Philipp Hungerländer, Institute for Mathematics at the Alpe-Adria University of Klagenfurt
  • 2018: no prize awarded
  • 2019: Kristina Stöckl, sociologist

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cardinal Innitzer Study Fund