Karl-Heinz Klostermeier

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Karl-Heinz Klostermeier (born August 22, 1936 near Hanover , † June 25, 2002 in Bremen ) was a German economist and broadcasting director .


Klostermeier was the son of a locksmith. He attended elementary school until 1953 and from 1953 completed an apprenticeship in administration in the city administration of Hanover, where he then worked as a city inspector until 1960. At the evening high school he also obtained his Abitur. From 1960 he studied art and theater history as well as economics and social sciences at the University of Munich and in the USA. He received his Bachelor of Arts from Brigham Young University in Provo . In 1966 he completed his studies at the University of Berlin with a degree in economics and then worked for a short time as a research assistant at the TU Berlin.

After two years as a project manager for planning research in an industrial company, Klostermeier moved to North German Broadcasting in Hamburg in 1968 . At first he was the personal advisor to the NDR director Gerhard Schröder , then he headed the main division for connections and investments , then the main information department and finally, as operations director, the production management and planning division . He was a member of the SPD .

On May 1, 1977, Klostermeier came to Radio Bremen as production director and was a member of the four-person management committee of the station. On August 1, 1985, he became director of the station. He held this position until April 30, 1999, when an amendment to the Radio Bremen Act resulted in an early replacement of the director's post. After that - in a difficult situation for him - he was acting director of Radio Bremen until September 30, 1999.

During his time, among other things, the start of the then youth wave Radio Bremen 4 in December 1986. Radio Bremen produced many innovative and successful programs - Bremen 4 to Loriot - under his leadership. For many years he was chairman of the ARD / ZDF commission for investment planning and rationalization, member of the shareholders' meeting of Arte Germany and deputy chairman of the specialist committee for radio and television at the joint venture of Protestant journalism. His successor as director was Dr. Heinz Glässgen .
