Karl Latham

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Karl Latham (* 9. June 1961 in Trenton (New Jersey) ) is an American jazz - drummer and music teacher.

Live and act

Latham, who comes from a musical family, began playing drums at the age of seven; he received his bachelor's degree from Ohio University . He continued his music and computer science studies at Rutgers University , Ohio University and Berklee College of Music ; he also had lessons from Gary Chester , Freddie Waits and Joe Morello . From 1993 he worked in the American jazz scene and also regularly in Europe. a. with Joel Frahm , Joe Lovano , Bob Malach , Boris Kozlov , Seamus Blake and Kermit Driscoll . He is a member of the formation Unit1 , with Mark Egan and John Hart , as well as co-leader of the band Big Fun (K) with Don Braden . In 2000 he presented his debut album Dancing Spirits ; from the 2000s he worked in Germany a. a. with Wolfgang Lackerschmidt , Stefanie Schlesinger and Johannes Mössinger .

Latham has taught as an adjunct professor at various colleges in New Jersey .

Discographic notes

  • Dancing Spirits (1999), with Kermit Driscoll, Bob Malach, John Hart
  • Urbaniak / Lackerschmid Connection Polish Wind (2005) with Michal Urbaniak , Wolfgang Lackerschmid, John Lee
  • Resonance (2007), with Vinnie Cutro, John Hart, Kermit Driscoll
  • Don Braden / Karl Latham: Big Fun (k): Live (2010)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. AllAboutJazz  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.allaboutjazz.com  
  2. smooth-jazz.de