Karl Lederer (Mayor)

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Karl Lederer (born October 30, 1898 in Tüntenhausen , † 1977 in Munich ) was mayor of Freising from 1933 to 1942 and NSDAP district leader of Munich-City from 1942 to 1945.


Karl Lederer came from Tüntenhausen near Freising and was an SA member (SA Regiment Munich, 5th Company) during the Hitler Putsch in 1923 and was therefore awarded the NSDAP Blood Order in 1933. With the seizure of power in 1933, he became the NS district leader of Freising (in the Munich-Upper Bavaria district ). When Gottlieb Schwemmer had to relinquish the office of Lord Mayor of Freising due to a transfer , the National Socialist Karl Lederer was elected Lord Mayor by the city council, which at that time consisted only of NSDAP members. From 1935 the revoked district freedom led to the official title of mayor. During his term of office, the incorporation of Vötting , the construction of several workers' settlements in the north of the city and in Lerchenfeld. The construction of the flyover for Münchner Strasse over the busy Munich – Regensburg railway line also happened during his tenure. The bridge is still known as the Lederer Buckel.

During his time in Freising, all of Freising's Jews were expelled and deported . At a meeting on November 9, 1938, he himself announced that “as of this day there are no longer any Jewish representatives or businessmen in Freising” and thus heralded the Reichspogromnacht in Freising . He was district leader in Freising until 1941, in 1942 Lederer became district leader of Munich-City and remained so until the end of the war. His successor as Mayor of Freising was Hans Lechner .
