Karl Friedrich Roessle

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Karl Friedrich Rößle (born April 1, 1893 in Heiligkreuzsteinach near Heidelberg ; † December 6, 1957 in Munich ) was a professor of business administration .


Rößle was the son of a country teacher. After attending secondary school , he went to a commercial college . This was followed by an apprenticeship in bank commission business and a subsequent job as an employee in an industrial company. He did his military service, which he did before the outbreak of the First World War , in an intelligence service and stayed there until the end of the war, most recently as an officer. In the winter semester of 1918 he began his studies at the Mannheim Commercial College , which he graduated with a diploma in the summer of 1920. In 1918 he became a member of the Corps Hansea Mannheim.

As early as the winter of 1919, Prof. Heinrich Nicklisch entrusted him with the management of the business administration department of the Research Institute for Rational Management in the Crafts . There he worked as an assistant even after graduating, and at the same time received his doctorate in 1923 at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Frankfurt am Main with a dissertation on accounting in the craft.

In 1924 he became a full-time lecturer in Mannheim and in the same year until 1928 a lecturer at the TH Karlsruhe . He turned down a call, also in 1924, to the Polytechnic in Köthen , as well as the 1926 to the TH Prague . On July 18, 1926 , he completed his habilitation in Mannheim. In 1928 Rößle went to Bonn after already working there for one year and became a lecturer at the vocational education institute in Cologne. Also in 1928 he became head of the German Craft Institute ( DHI ), which he remained until its dissolution in 1945.

Rößle became a member of the NSDAP in 1933 (membership number: 2.103.037). The Königsberg Commercial College appointed him in 1933 as a full professor and a year later he was honorary professor at the University of Königsberg and another year later he was rector of the Königsberg Commercial College. In 1937 he was appointed full professor, but left on October 10, 1938 to become professor at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich .

From 1939 to 1945 he was a lecturer at the University of Innsbruck and then at the TH Munich. In 1939 he was drafted into the German armed forces and was a soldier until 1943. He then held outsourced lectures in the Munich area.

After a long illness, he died on December 6, 1957


  • The craftsman as a merchant. Volume 1: Instructions for organizing manual bookkeeping. With a foreword by H. Nicklisch . J. Bensheimer, Mannheim 1922.
  • Accounting in the craft. An attempt to draw up a basic plan for promoting accounting. Frankfurt am Main 1923 (Frankfurt am Main, University, dissertation, dated January 24, 1923).
  • The basics of the manual cost calculation. G. Braun, Karlsruhe 1924.
  • For the management of the craftsmen's cooperatives (= publications of the Baden Chamber of Crafts. Vol. 27, ZDB -ID 1178019-8 ). Publishing house of the Baden Chamber of Crafts, Karlsruhe 1926.
  • Handicraft business administration. Industrial publishing house Spaeth & Linde, Berlin 1930.
  • Introduction to industrial business administration (= Gloeckners Handels-Bücherei. Vol. 103, ZDB -ID 634371-5 ). Gloeckner, Leipzig 1931.
  • Bookkeeping and balance sheet. Wichert, Berlin-Lichterfelde 1936.
  • General business studies. Weinmayer, Munich 1948.
  • Rationalization is necessary (= handicraft industry series. No. 1). Holzmann, Bad Wörishofen 1949.
  • The Bavarian handicrafts (= Economic Time Issues . Vol. 6, ZDB -ID 609900-2 ). Pflaum, Munich 1950.
  • Questions about the financial management of craft business economics (= craft business series. No. 9). German Craft Institute, Munich 1952.
  • The determination of cost and price calculation in the craft. Holzmann, Bad Wörishofen 1957.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "6. February "according to Otto Wenig (ed.): Directory of professors and lecturers at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn, 1818–1968. Bouvier et al., Bonn 1968, ISBN 3-416-00495-7 .
  2. Erwin Willmann (Ed.): Directory of the old Rudolstädter Corps students. (AH. List of the RSC.) , 1928 edition, No. 3961
  3. ^ Peter Mantel: Business Administration and National Socialism: An Institutional and Personal History Study . Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8349-8515-6 , pp. 809f.