Karl Rumpel

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Karl Ernst Friedrich Rumpel (born June 21, 1867 in Potsdam , † 1939 in Demmin in Pomerania ) was a German illustrator and painter and member of the Reich Association of Fine Artists of Germany , the Pomeranian Artists Association and the Exhibition Association of Pomeranian Artists in Stettin .


Rumpel studied at the teaching institute at the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin with Max Koch . He continued his education with Friedrich Heyser in Dresden and was a student at the Weimar Art School with Max Thedy . At times Rumpel was based in Goslar and Berlin-Friedenau . His permanent residence Demmin was also the center of his work. He carried out numerous commissions in the public sector, he created z. B. Paintings for the town halls in Demmin, Kolberg and Greifenberg in Pomerania . To mark the centenary of the school in 1924, Karl Rumpel and the sculptor Max Uecker created decorations for the Holy Spirit Chapel, which was used as the auditorium of the girls' school in Treptow on Rega . The only wall paintings that have survived are his historical city views, created before the First World War, in the ballroom of the former Demmin district building at Adolf-Pompe-Straße 12–15. The murals in the pavilion of Marienhain in Demmin, painted as a late work in 1937 , were destroyed in 1945.


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