Karl Ruser

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Bougainvillea glabra ,
bald triplet flower

Karl Ruser (born November 21, 1889 in Lörrach ; † November 5, 1970 in Niederweiler near Müllheim (Baden) ) is a German master gardener who has become known for his internationally recognized bougainvillea varieties.


After attending the trade school in Lörrach and completing his gardening apprenticeship, which he began in 1907, Ruser went to Cairo ( Egypt ) to cure a lung disease , where he worked for two years in the flower shop of a brother of his friend, a gardener from Basel, Dufour .

In 1913 he married Emma Argast from Sitzenkirch near Kandern ; the couple had five daughters.

After completing the master craftsman's examination following the First World War , Karl Ruser and his brothers Hans and Walter set up a large- scale nursery on the then edge of Niederweiler on the site of a former brickworks from 1919 . It became internationally known through its European introduction and the extensive, globally successful and respected bougainvillea cultures and breeds that resulted from it . Ruser has been breeding special varieties over several years, for example the red-flowering Rusers Crimson Lake , which was presented at the 1936 Reichsgartenschau , or the orange-yellow Miggi Ruser . Other new introductions of rare potted plants were awarded prizes at the German Garden Show in Stuttgart in 1950 , including the German State Prize.

His breeding successes were also recognized at the international garden shows in Hamburg , London and Paris . Soon Ruser was considered to be the most successful bougainvillea grower in the world. In the 1950s, flowers from his cultivation were sent to their customers by railroad cars .

Even today known varieties of Ruser are: Greetings from Badenweiler in pale pink, the cinnamon to orange colored Miggi Ruser and Mrs. Butt as a scarlet variety. They are still one of the most important cultivars of bougainvillea today . In the years after 1950, a version with an intensely purple-colored flower emerged from this variety.



  • The bougainvillea grower Karl Ruser , In: Walter Küchlin: Niederweiler - gate to heavenly landscape , p. 286 f .; Ed .: Stadt Müllheim / Baden, Uehlin Druck- und Papierhaus GmbH Schopfheim, 2000.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Sigrid Umiger: "My grandfather only lived for his flowers" . In: Badische Zeitung , November 21, 2014.
  2. ^ Official journal of the 1st Reich Exhibition of German Horticulture April - October 1936 EK Pietzsch - Dresden 1936 Issue 3.
  3. Kosmos , Volume 62, Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde, 1966 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  4. Deutsche Gärtnerbörse: Ed. A., Volume 62, 1962 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  5. Bougainvillea voor een tropical illusion ( Memento of the original from March 3, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , neerlandstuin.nl. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.neerlandstuin.nl