Karl Schörghuber

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Karl Schörghuber (2009)

Karl Peter Schörghuber (born April 24, 1949 in Wels , Upper Austria ) is an Austrian urban developer .


Karl Peter Schörghuber was the son of a civil engineer for building construction and civil engineering Dr. Graduate engineer Karl Alois Schörghuber from Vienna and Hildegard Schörghuber, née Starke from Karlsruhe, was born.

In June 1968 he graduated from the "Realschule" - today Realgymnasium in Fadingerstraße in Linz . He then studied social and economic sciences from 1968 to 1972, obtaining a Mag. Rer. soc. oec. within 8 semesters, - and received his doctorate in 1975. soc. oec. Can be used via factor analysis to calculate purchasing power in the region . In addition to his studies, he worked for the Upper Austria Chamber of Commerce from December 1968 - today " Chamber of Commerce " in Linz, then head of statistics in the economic policy department of Dr. Albert Leibenfrost , who later became the economic councilor in Upper Austria's provincial government. At the same time he was lecturer at the University of Economics in Linz with Prof. Dr. Sixtl.

After graduating, he switched to the branded goods industry as a product manager, then in 1976 to Raiffeisen-Zentralkasse (later Raiffeisen-Zentralbank OÖ.) In Linz. He was promoted to head of marketing who, in addition to bank marketing , was responsible for ten industrial, tourism and service companies belonging to or influenced by Raiffeisen .

Since 1983/1984 he was self-employed with the “Marketing Service” in Linz and the company has been named “Schörghuber & Partner Management Consulting” since 1998. In 1987 the first consultation in the field of city ​​marketing and city ​​management in Austria began in Vöcklabruck . In 1994 he was accredited as an EU consultant and in 1999 founded the non-profit association “Infrapool”, a “network for city and location marketing”.

In 1999 he was entered in the list as a sworn and court-certified expert (for business consulting, commercial advertising, market research and marketing). The most recent accreditation runs until 2021.

In 1994 the first designed fresh market was opened in Traun, then in 1995 in Linz on the main square of the city market. This new form of organization of a fresh market (no longer just "urban farmers market" ...) combined with the new yellow and white design was then successfully spread throughout Austria through market structures, including designed flea markets, etc.

In 2000, the first national survey of weekly pedestrian frequency in inner cities followed as a key figure survey. In 2000, for the first time, one of the most modern surveys of purchasing power flows was developed not only - as was customary until then - of retail, but also of the increasingly important gastronomy and services.

From 2002, Schörghuber was chairman of the supervisory board of Klagenfurt Marketing GesmbH in order to develop city ​​marketing for the state capital of Klagenfurt . In 2003 he became a lecturer at the University of Krems in the "Real Estate" course and lecturer for location studies as well as supervisor of diploma theses at the University of Applied Sciences Master's in Real Estate Management of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce.

After studying in the USA, in 2002 he developed the "BID model" (Business Improvement District - registered trademark by Prof. SCH) as a new type of development of declining urban districts in the German-speaking area. The American BID method of economic district development based on public and private owners was brought to Austrian conditions. Inner city development with long-term support based on the BID model was implemented for the cities of Tulln in Lower Austria, Völkermarkt in Carinthia, Vöcklabruck in Upper Austria and Leibnitz in Styria. BID and over 30 other brands from various specialist areas of urban development have now been registered as trademarks with the Austrian patent office.


Karl Schörghuber was number five in Upper Austria as a tennis player , played in the state league at the Union Linzer Tennis Club in Linz and won several prizes at youth tennis tournaments. He was a member of the board of the Union Linz Tennis Club (ULTV) for 10 years and was awarded the club's golden badge of honor for special services to the renovation of the club's quarters.

Schörghuber has been married since 1969. He lived u. a. with his wife 1980 to 2020 in the magic valley (development of the "Villa Soleil de Provence") near Linz and since then in the middle of the old town of Linz: In an apartment in a building from the 13th century near the Linz castle, which has now been renovated by the couple through gutting .

Schörghuber has three daughters and seven grandchildren.

Awards and honors

  • 2001 Awarded the professional title of Professor by the Federal President of Austria .
  • 2004 for the cities of Zeltweg / Styria (“Austria's most modern marketplace”) and Tulln / Lower Austria . “ Master plan for the inner city” Award in the context of the largest competition of this kind “WIR - Economy in the Region” for cities and regions in Austria, donated by the President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Christoph Leitl , organized within the framework of the Austrian Economic Association .
  • 2007 Award from the Office of the Upper Austrian. State government for the development of the inner city of Vöcklabruck / Upper Austria as part of the project "Masterplan and BID ® for the inner city"
  • 2009 Awarded the Cross of Honor for Science and Art by the Federal President
  • 2019 The life's work of inner city development for every third inner city in Austria from an economic point of view: Awarded the gold medal for services to the Republic of Austria by the Federal President.


  • City Marketing. Building laws for the new attractiveness ; Linz, self-published, 1995, 752 pp.
  • Location Marketing. Recognizing and using location opportunities: From individual locations to entire cities ; Linz, self-published, 2000, 1008 pp.
  • Urban renewal. Sex in the city instead of dead pants ; Linz, self-published, 2007, 452 pp.
  • The maker in: E. Mandl & F. Sabo (eds.): How Vienna lives - yesterday, today, tomorrow , Vienna: Verlag Brandstätter, 2015, p. 62ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.infrapool.at/