Karl Wolfgang Heinrich von Rollingen

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Karl Wolfgang Heinrich von Rollingen on his epitaph in the Speyer Cathedral
Family coat of arms from the tomb of the canon
Epitaph of the Canon

Karl Wolfgang Heinrich von Rollingen (born October 6, 1676 , † April 16, 1730 in Speyer ) was a Catholic priest and canon in various dioceses.

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Karl Wolfgang Heinrich von Rollingen came from the original Luxembourg noble family von Rollingen . He was born as the son of the Kurmainzer Oberstallmeister Franz Ernst von Rollingen and his wife Anna Katharina Luise von Harff .

The father's brother Heinrich Hartard von Rollingen officiated from 1661 as cathedral capitular in Trier and Speyer, in 1676 he became choir bishop in Trier, from 1711 to 1719 he was prince-bishop of Speyer.

Karl Wolfgang Heinrich von Rollingen embarked on a spiritual career. On January 18, 1683 he was sworn up as the future canon in Speyer , and on March 5, 1685 as such in Mainz . In both dioceses he advanced to the position of cathedral chapter at the age of 30 . He also held this office in Speyer in 1711, when his uncle Heinrich Hartard von Rollingen was elected bishop there. The nephew was involved in the election of the uncle as cathedral chapter, which took place on February 26, 1711 in the Stephanschor of Speyer Cathedral .

From around 1716 Rollingen officiated as cathedral scholaster in Speyer and later also as provost of the All Saints Monastery . In the diocese of Trier the nobleman was canon from 1713 until his death , and for many years also owner of the parish priests of St. Andreas in Altrich . On July 29, 1721, Karl Wolfgang Heinrich von Rollingen was sworn up as a canon in the St. Ferrutius monastery in Bleidenstadt .

During the Palatine War of Succession , the troops of Marshal de Durfort under General Ezéchiel de Mélac had completely burned the city of Speyer ; of the cathedral only the east work and part of the nave remained. In the period that followed, this remnant was also to be blown up. Bishop Heinrich Hartard von Rollingen prevented this and managed to secure and restore the remains of the cathedral for worship. One of his closest collaborators was his nephew Karl Wolfgang Heinrich von Rollingen. Both belong to the important saviors and keepers of the Speyer Cathedral in its thousand-year history.

After the death of his episcopal uncle in 1719, Karl Wolfgang Heinrich von Rollingen lived in his palace at Kleine Pfaffengasse 10. He died in Speyer in 1730 and was buried in the cathedral, where his Baroque epitaph with a portrait has been preserved.

Family environment

His brother Ferdinand Friedrich von Rollingen († 1735) served as provost and cathedral capitular in Trier. Two coats of arms stucco ceilings of him still exist in the Trier Canon Curia (today the Eucharist House). Aunt Johanna Elisabeth von Harff (sister of the mother) was a Premonstratensian in the Meer monastery , the great-uncle (brother of the maternal grandfather) Werner Friedrich von Harff († 1684), canon in Speyer and Trier, as well as the Palatinate-Neuburgischer bailiff in Geilenkirchen , Duchy of Jülich .


  • Institute for Historical Regional Studies Mainz: Historical Regional Studies. Volumes 7-8, 1972, p. 77.
  • Philipp Weindel: The Speyer Cathedral. 1990, p. 39.

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Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to the grave inscription
  2. ^ Institute for Historical Regional Studies Mainz: Geschichtliche Landeskunde , Volumes 7–8, 1972, page 77; Excerpt from the source
  3. ^ Franz Xaver Remling : History of the Bishops of Speyer , Volume 2, page 598, Mainz, 1854; Scan from the source
  4. ^ Website of the parish Altrich ( Memento from June 22, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  5. Regesten website of the University of Cologne, certificate of July 29, 1721 ( Memento of February 12, 2013 in the web archive archive.today )
  6. ^ Philipp Weindel: Der Dom zu Speyer , 1990, page 39; Excerpt from the source
  7. ^ Fritz Klotz: Domkapitularische Höfe, houses, house squares and gardens in Speyer, in the 18th century (=  writings of the Diocesan Archives Speyer . Volume 14 ). 1991, p. 18-21 .
  8. . Supplementa to the world Highness, and those genealogies of Highness High Houses in Europe. , Hamburg 1716, page 26; Scan from the source
  9. Entry on Former Curia Rollingen - Kurienhaupthaus (with mention of the canon of Rollingen) in the database of cultural assets in the Trier region ; accessed on March 1, 2016.
  10. ^ Genealogical website