Karl von Franck

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Karl Ritter von Franck (born January 18, 1806 in Vienna , † April 13, 1867 in Paris ) was an Austrian general, minister of war and statesman.

Karl Ritter von Franck comes from the same Viennese banking family as Gustav von Franck and Alfred Ritter von Franck . He was the eldest of seven brothers.

After graduating from the Pioneer Corps School in 1823, he served in the 4th Infantry Regiment and took part in the fighting in Montenegro in 1838. In 1848/49 he joined the campaign in Italy in the Sardinian-Austrian War . His military career was exemplary: 1,851 Brigadier , 1859 Adlatus the commanding general, 1864-66 as a Field Marshal Lieutenant Austrian minister of war, owner of the infantry regiment 79. Unlike his brother Gustav Franck he fought as part of the March Revolution in Vienna Revolution of 1848 on the part of Emperor and defended War Minister Latour from the revolutionaries.
