Karsten Ewert

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Karsten Ewert (born October 30, 1937 in Westerstede ) is a German doctor and medical officer a. D. of the Bundeswehr , most recently in the rank of general doctor .


Ewert joined the German Armed Forces as a conscript in April 1958 and was trained as a reserve officer in the supply force . From 1960 to 1966 he studied at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and received his doctorate there in 1966. In addition to his studies, Ewert completed several military exercises until 1967 and was promoted to captain of the reserve during this time .

In 1969 he joined as a re-dial again into the army, where he in rank staff physician as medical officer at the battalion supply 246 in Mitterhart Hausen was used and promoted to professional soldiers. A year later he became company commander of 2./SanLBtl 210 (later 865 and finally 851). Subsequently, he was brigade doctor of Panzerlehrbrigade 9 and at the same time a staff officer at the armored troop school in Munster . From 1976 to 1980 he was a member of Division IX in the Army Office , where he was most recently head of department. This was followed by a two-year assignment as a division doctor in the 11th Panzer Grenadier Division , then a year as a corps doctor in the II Corps in Ulm, before he became Head of InSan  II 2 in October 1983 . Most recently, from April 1, 1987 to September 30, 1996, he was in the rank of general physician and commander of the Academy of Medical and Health Services of the Bundeswehr in Munich.

Since his retirement, Dr. Ewert as a specialist in general medicine in Freising and was chairman of the scientific advisory board at TÜV Süd Product Service GmbH.

Ewert is a keen athlete and still takes part in marathons and triathlons . He is married and has three children, including the composer Maximilian C. Jehuda Ewert .

He is a member of the Corps Bavaria Munich .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Medical Service of the Bundeswehr , Deutsches Ärzteblatt 93, Edition 10 of March 8, 1996.
  2. ^ Wechsel , Deutsches Ärzteblatt 94, Issue 9 of February 28, 1997.
  3. MedInform event on the reuse of medical devices ( Memento from January 17, 2008 in the Internet Archive ), BVMed, 2006.
  4. Swimming, cycling, running: Iron men and women in the Olympic Park - Munich and the 5th City Triathlon , Ganz-muenchen.de, 2007.
  5. Dirk Raphael : Generalarzt a. D. Dr. Ewert has completed his 70th year of life , Military Medical Monthly 51, Issue 11/2007, S: 348-349.
  6. Kösener Corpslisten 1981, 104 , 1763
  7. Elected , Deutsches Ärzteblatt 94, Issue 44 of October 31, 1997.