Kintampo South District

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Kintampo South District
country GhanaGhana Ghana
region Bono East Region
Capital Jema
District shape common
District Chief Executive Yaw Adjei Duffour
surface 1,775 km²
population 93,600 (2002)
Population density 53 Ew. / km²
ISO 3166-2 GH-BA-KS

The Kintampo South District is a district in Ghana . It is located in the center of Ghana in the Bono East region and borders the districts of Kintampo North , Pru , Tain , Wenchi , Techiman Municipal and Nkoranza in the Bono East region and Bole in the adjacent Savannah region . Chief executive over the 1,775 km² district with approx. 93,600 inhabitants (2002) is Yaw Adjei Duffour , based in the district capital Jema .

The district Kintampo South was formed with the district Kintampo North from the former district Kintampo by presidential decree of President John Agyekum Kufuor in August 2004.


The district is located in the Volta Basin at an altitude between 60 and 150 meters above sea level. A multitude of larger and smaller rivers and streams run through the district, the largest rivers are Pumpum , Oyoko , Nante and Tanti , all of which flow into the black Volta .


With a population of an estimated 93,600 people in 2002, of which 7,686 live in the district capital Jema, the district has a relatively high population density. With an annual growth rate of 3 percent, population growth slightly exceeds the national average of 2.7 percent. As in the rest of the country, significantly more women (47,736) live in the district than men (45,864). 0.4 percent of Ghana's national population live in Kintampo South.

The population lives in 122 localities, which usually consist of less than 100 people. Only the district capital Jema has an urban quality of life and has over 5000 inhabitants. The population essentially belongs to the ethnic groups of the Brong , Mo , Dagomba and Ashanti . Other minorities are also represented. The population is mainly followers of a Christian religion, but the Muslims also make up a larger group of the population. Traditional religions are also practiced by a small part of the district's population.


As in large parts of Ghana, agriculture dominates in Kintampo South, with 72.7 percent of the workforce. Overall, this economic segment generates 60 percent of the household income in the district. Agriculture consists mainly of subsistence farming , which produces little surplus.

Mainly yam , cassava , rice , peanuts , watermelons , cashews , mango and tobacco are mined. But vegetables such as aubergines and tomatoes are also important crops. The keeping of cattle , sheep , goats , pigs and poultry is also an important source of food for the population. An estimated 80 percent of the farms work on land that is less than one hectare .


Across the district, 5,428 out of 5,624 children between the ages of 4 and 5 are in a kindergarten, a rate of 96.5 percent. 7.4 percent of all children are housed in a private institution. 139 teachers are employed in the pre-school area, so that there are 39 students per teacher. Only 2.2 percent of the pre-school teachers have completed vocational training.

In the age group between 6 and 11 years, of the district's 15,284 children (in 2000), a total of 10,461 (68.2 percent) attended primary school. Of the 5,413 children between the ages of 12 and 14, 38.1 percent attended Junior Secondary School .

There are a total of three higher educational institutions in the district: a senior secondary school , a higher commercial school and a technical college. The Senior Secondary School in Jema has 546 students, 37 percent of whom are girls.


No hospital has opened in the district. Only a health center, two rural clinics and two private birthing centers have been set up so far. No doctor works in the whole district; medical care was taken over by a medical assistant with a small number of auxiliary staff.


A constituency of the same name was set up in the Kintampo South district, in which Yaw Effah-Baafi won the seat in the Ghanaian parliament for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the 2004 general election.

Important localities

See also

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