Klaus B. Harms

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Klaus Bernhard Harms (born November 14, 1946 in Nordenham ; † December 13, 1999 in Schorndorf / Baden-Württemberg ) was a German journalist and publicist in Stuttgart .


Harms headed the features section of the Stuttgarter Nachrichten and worked as a literary critic for the radio station SDR 2.

A play written by Harms (Alles Theater) led to a public debate in Stuttgart. Harms had sent his play to the director of the theater, Friedrich Schirmer, for assessment and performance, who considered that the limits imposed on the journalistic critic were exceeded and made the process public. Thereupon the editorial and publishing management of the Stuttgarter Nachrichten submitted a consilium abeundi to Harms , which he accepted. By separating from Harms, the editors-in-chief and publishing management of the Stuttgarter Nachrichten drew criticism from cultural and theater professionals. In the following months the theater and cultural scene across Germany showed solidarity with Harms, for example through a large sign with the inscription "Rehabilitation for Klaus B. Harms", which was put up on the stage there before a performance at the Bochum theater.

After leaving the editorial office of the Stuttgarter Nachrichten, he worked as a freelance journalist and publicist for the Saarbrücker Zeitung , the magazines Die Drei , waldorf and Das Goetheanum , for Weleda AG and as an editor of books. He was also head of the PR / public relations department at the Theaterhaus Stuttgart . Among other things, he regularly organized panel discussions ("kitchen talks") with prominent guests from culture, politics, business and sport.

In the last years of his life he was increasingly active in the anthroposophical environment, as an initiator of new media projects, publicist and publisher.

He is the grandson of the economist Bernhard Harms . His son is the former Spiegel-Online boss and today's editor-in-chief of t-online Florian Harms .


  • Stuttgart - Art and Culture , Factor Verlag Stuttgart
  • For a new medicine , Aethera

Web links

  • Zeit article on Harms' departure from the editorial office of the Stuttgarter Nachrichten
  • [1] Saarbrücker Zeitung on Harms' death in December 1999

Individual evidence

  1. The journalist Klaus B. Harms is dead In: Saarbrücker Zeitung of December 15, 1999, p. 5
  2. From the Kräherwald to the Spiegel -spitze in: Stuttgarter Zeitung , from May 25, 2016