Konrad CF Lorenzen

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Konrad CF Lorenzen (born August 30, 1936 in Bochum ) is a German manager in the area of local public transport .


education and profession

Konrad CF Lorenzen was born as the son of the engineer Gerhard Lorenzen and Christiane Lorenzen, geb. Riebeling, born. In April 1957 he graduated from the Goethe School in Bochum . Then he studied business administration at the Free University of Berlin , the University of Munich and the University of Cologne . In 1962 he passed the state examination at the University of Cologne as a business graduate with the grade “very good”. In his diploma thesis he dealt with the "rationalization of local public transport".

From 1963 to 1965 he worked in the planning department of the Hamburger Hochbahn with a focus on line performance and profit accounting; Transport network; Lifecircle bus fleet. From 1965 to 1967 he was the commercial plant manager of the operations in the city of Mülheim an der Ruhr (tram, bus, port railway, port administration, Ruhr shipping, electric power plant).

After sole management and board activities in various forerunners of public passenger and freight transport in the Altena / Lüdenscheid district (1967 to 1975), he was the managing director and board member with sole power of representation from 1975 to 1987: Märkische Verkehrsgesellschaft GmbH (MVG); Märkische Eisenbahngesellschaft AG (MEG); Märkische Touristik GmbH (MST), all Lüdenscheid. Member of the management: Flugplatz Hegenscheid GmbH (FHG), Iserlohn / Altena; Märkische Kommunale Wirtschaftsgesellschaft GmbH (MKG), Märkischer Kreis .

1988 to 1995: Managing Director / Member of the Board of the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG AöR) (until 1994 Main Department Operations & Transport and at times also Finance and Technology & Construction); from 1994 Head of Marketing and Sales and in personal union. also managing director of the preparatory company for the Berlin-Brandenburg transport association .

1995 to 1997: Founding managing director of the Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH (VBB).

1998 to 2010: Freelance activity as traffic consultant, management consultant and consulting partner for the following companies and institutions: S-Bahn Berlin GmbH; RMV Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund GmbH; Wall Transportanlagen AG; Lexington Consulting mbH; KPMG Cologne; WBO (Omnivia AG); BDO (Omnibera GmbH); IKB Cologne / Berlin; Hessian State Ministry for Economics, Transport and State Planning.

Supervisory board / executive board / advisory board: Nordhessischer Verkehrsverbund GmbH (NVV); BB-Grundfonds19 GbR, Berlin; Neuromedicine Foundation of the University of Münster .

Social Commitment

Lorenzen is a member of the following associations: Akademischer Segler-Verein eV, Berlin and Munich; Lions Club Lüdenscheid-Medardus (since 1978, founding president); Lions Club Berlin-Alexanderplatz (1988–2004, 1 × president); German Transport Science Society DVWG; Expert forum for transport companies, Dortmund (FV); Lüdenscheider Schützengesellschaft eV; History and local history association Lüdenscheid eV



Scientific and literary work

Articles, lectures, concepts, reports, a selection:

  • The importance of capacity release and expansion effects for the financing of investments in the vehicle fleets of local public transport companies. In: Nahverkehrspraxis. Dortmund, issue 11/1964.
  • Public Transit in the Outskirts of Conurbations and Densely Populated Areas. Lecture 4th US-German Urban Transportation Workshop, Cambridge, USA, 1978.
  • Screen text systems for the production and processing of numerical timetables and for timetable printing. In: Nahverkehrspraxis. Dortmund, issue 5/1980.
  • MVG depot planning taking into account market and cost developments, corporate organization and environmental protection. In: Verkehr und Technik. Bielefeld, issue 8/1980.
  • Local public transport in the area, development, location and thoughts on its improvement. In: Local transport. Düsseldorf, issue 0/1983.
  • Possibilities and limits of the use of standardized minibuses (midibuses). In: Local transport. Düsseldorf, issue 5/1983.
  • Tendering for public regular services. In: Nahverkehrspraxis. Dortmund, issue 2/1985.
  • Subsidiarity instead of line closure. Vertical division of tasks between the state railway and local modes of transport. In: Local transport. Düsseldorf, issue 2/1985.
  • First operational and technical experience with standard public transport buses. In: Local transport. Düsseldorf, issue 5/1985.
  • Will public transport remain affordable in the future? Changes in the financing discussion. In: Local transport. Düsseldorf, issue 6/1985.
  • Local transport offers and local transport tariffs. Seminar lecture German District Assembly, Münster 1986.
  • Private Participation in Public Regional Bus Transit. Lecture 3rd US Annual Symposium, San Diego, USA, 1986
  • Conditions and case studies for company law constructions to solve public transport problems in the area. Seminar lecture German District Association, Cologne, 1987.
  • Possibilities and limits of cost reduction in local public transport through participation of private companies in the bus line services. In: Zfö.U. Baden-Baden, issue 3/1988
  • Improving local public transport in rural areas from a political perspective. In: Nahverkehrspraxis. Dortmund, issue 6/1988.
  • City traffic in values ​​change. The role of public transport in the city traffic of tomorrow. In: Local transport. Düsseldorf, issue 3/1990.
  • Le S-Bahn de Berlin. In: Le rail. Paris, issue 9/1990.
  • Safety in underground trains, illustrated using the example of the BVG. In: Local transport. Issue 7/1992.
  • Corporate design for the chain of use and user interface of public transport. In: Local transport. Düsseldorf, issue 1 and 2/1993.
  • Le Róle du Design Graphique dans l'Information aux Voyageurs. Lecture at the Congrès International sur Design Publique, Paris, 1993.
  • The integrated control information and security system, LISI, for the Berlin subway. In: Local transport. Düsseldorf, issue 3/1994.
  • From a Divided Past to an Integrated Future - Developments in Local Public Transport in Berlin. In: Japan Railway & Transport Review. Tokyo, 1995.
  • From post horn to corporate public design. In: Festschrift buses and trains, mobility for people and goods 1895–1995. Ed. VDV, Düsseldorf 1995.
  • The new transport association for Berlin and Brandenburg. In: Local transport. Düsseldorf, issue 3/1997
  • Use of chip cards in public transport. Lecture by the Berliner Landesbank and the Sparkassenverband Brandenburg, Potsdam, August 1997.
  • Various concepts for privatization and public private partnerships in public transport for the districts of OHL and PM, the city of Gera, Omnivia AG, IKB GmbH / Cologne.